Churches that are seeking to leave or have left the PCUSA for another Reformed body:
Updated 2/23/15
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Dismissal date Church name City, State Members PCUSA Presbytery Action(s) taken Amount Paid Affiliated
6/14/2012 Clark Memorial Hurley, Va. 43 Abingdon Congregation dismissed to EPC, voted on by presbytery 6/14/12. N/A EPC
6/14/2012 Hurley Hurley, Va. 12 Abingdon Congregation dismissed to EPC, voted on by presbytery 6/14/12. N/A EPC
3/14/2013 Mary's Tazwell, Va. 46 Abingdon Congregation dismissed to EPC, voted on by presbytery 3/14/13. N/A EPC
6/14/2012 Norton Norton, Va. 36 Abingdon The presbytery announced at its 6/14/12 meeting that the settlement agreement had been reached with congregation. The presbytery received a financial settlement of $64,050, including a payment of 15% of the averaged appraised value of the property and $15,000 of unpaid per capita and declaration of intent that was owed to presbytery. After expenses, there will be approximately $40,000 of the settlement money remaining to distribute among the five loyal PCUSA congregations in Wise County, Va. Accepted as transitional member of the EPC's Presbytery of the Mid-Atlantic at its January 2012 meeting. $64,050 EPC
6/14/12 Stone Memorial Marion, Va. 71 Abingdon Congregation dismissed to EPC, voted on by presbytery 6/14/12. N/A EPC
3/14/2013 Thompson Valley Tazwell, Va. 46 Abingdon Congregation dismissed to EPC, voted on by presbytery 3/14/13. N/A EPC
N/A Walker's Creek
Stone Memorial, Va. 71 Abingdon Congregation dismissed to EPC by presbytery. N/A EPC
4/6/2013 Chapel by the Lake Juneau, Alaska 491 Alaska Congregation dismissed from the PCUSA during an 4/6/13 presbytery meeting. Under dismissal requirements, the church was required to pay per capita for 2013 and make contributions of $9 per member toward 2014 per capita for the synod and General Assembly. 2013 per capita and contribue $9 per member to 2014 synod and GA per capita ECO
4/6/13 First Skagway, Alaska 30 Alaska Congregation dismissed from the PCUSA during an 4/6/13 presbytery meeting. Under dismissal requirements, the church was required to pay per capita for 2013 and make contributions of $9 per member toward 2014 per capita for the synod and General Assembly. 2013 per capita and contribue $9 per member to 2014 synod and GA per capita ECO
4/6/13 Frances Johnson Memorial Angoon, Alaska 21 Alaska Congregation dismissed from the PCUSA during an 4/6/13 presbytery meeting. Under dismissal requirements, the church was required to pay per capita for 2013 and make contributions of $9 per member toward 2014 per capita for the synod and General Assembly. 2013 per capita and contribue $9 per member to 2014 synod and GA per capita ECO
4/6/13 Haines Haines, Alaska 63 Alaska Congregation dismissed from the PCUSA during an 4/6/13 presbytery meeting. Under dismissal requirements, the church was required to pay per capita for 2013 and make contributions of $9 per member toward 2014 per capita for the synod and General Assembly. 2013 per capita and contribue $9 per member to 2014 synod and GA per capita ECO
4/6/13 Hoonah Hoonah, Alaska 13 Alaska Congregation dismissed from the PCUSA during an 4/6/13 presbytery meeting. Under dismissal requirements, the church was required to pay per capita for 2013 and make contributions of $9 per member toward 2014 per capita for the synod and General Assembly. 2013 per capita and contribue $9 per member to 2014 synod and GA per capita ECO
4/6/13 Kake Kake, Alaska 14 Alaska Congregation dismissed from the PCUSA during an 4/6/13 presbytery meeting. Under dismissal requirements, the church was required to pay per capita for 2013 and make contributions of $9 per member toward 2014 per capita for the synod and General Assembly. 2013 per capita and contribue $9 per member to 2014 synod and GA per capita ECO
1/1/14 Bridgewater Bridgewater, Pa. 106 Beaver-Butler Congregation voted 72-3 in favor of leaving the PCUSA and had a similar showing when it voted to accept dismissal terms and to join ECO. The church paid $16,000 to retain its property as well as the fee associated with the property assessment. Congregation was dismissed effective 1/1/14. $16,000 ECO
N/A Chippewa Beaver Falls, Pa. 170 Beaver-Butler Congregation voted 104-1 to leave PCUSA and join the EPC; the church agreed to pay 5% of the value of its property. It was received April 2010 into the EPC's East Presbytery. 5% of the value of its property EPC
2009 First Beaver, Pa. 700 Beaver Butler Congregation voted 365-12 to leave PCUSA; the session approved a settlement of $133,700, which was accepted by the presbytery 3/23/09. The session also approved a $17,000 payment to cover its 2009 per capita. Presbytery dismissed church upon its reception in EPC. $133,700 EPC
3/27/12 Four Mile Beaver, Pa. 561 Beaver Butler Church voted to be dismissed from PCUSA. Presbytery unanimously approved request at its 3/27/12 meeting. Church paid the presbytery $74,100 and secured a bank loan for the full amount so the presbytery was paid in full 3/27/12. $74,100 ECO
2013 Hanover Clinton, Pa. 101 Beaver-Butler Congregation was dismissed and accepted into the EPC during the first three months of 2013. N/A EPC
March, 2013 Mount Olivet Aliquippa, Pa. 278 Beaver-Butler Congregational vote was 178 (96%) in agreement with session to continue the dismissal process and 7 against. Vote resulted in a monetary gift to the presbytery of 10% of appraised value of church property in order to be dismissed with property. 10% of appraised value of church property EPC
3/27/12 Mt. Pleasant Aliquippa, Pa. 157 Beaver-Butler Congregation voted 134-0 on 4/10/11 to seek dismissal to the EPC. Presbytery voted to dismiss on 3/27/12. The settlement includes a payment of $58,500 to the presbytery (10% of the appraised real property value). $58,500 EPC
April 2013 Muddy Creek Butler, Pa. 116 Beaver-Butler Congregation was approved for dismissal April 2013 for $13,000 (10% of appraised property) to EPC. $13,000 EPC
N/A Petrolia Petrolia, Pa. 46 Beaver-Butler Congregation approved for dismissal for $4,500 (10% of appraised property). $4,500 N/A
N/A Portersville Portersville, Pa. 176 Beaver-Butler Presbytery voted to dismiss church to the EPC (at a cost of $42,300) after the congregation voted 115-3 to leave. $42,300 EPC
9/11/13 Summit Butler, Pa. 217 Beaver-Butler Congregation was approved for dismissal April 2013 for $100,000 (10% of appraised property) to EPC. The church was officially dismissed by the presbytery on 9/11/13. $100,000 EPC
April, 2010 First Aurora, Ill. 847 Blackhawk Congregation voted 317-17 to leave PCUSA and join the EPC. Received into the EPC April 2010. N/A EPC
N/A Kishwaukee Community Stillman Valley, Ill. 407 Blackhawk 253 voted; 251-2 to request dismissal, 252-1 membership in the EPC. N/A EPC
3/17/13 (disaffiliated) Boone Memorial Caldwell, Idaho 224 Boise Congregation voted 3/17/13 to disaffiliate from the PCUSA. Pastor also renounced jurisdiction of PCUSA. Presbytery received notification of both actions on 3/18/13. On 3/28/13 four members of congregation filed a remedial complaint with presbytery PJC and three members of the PJC agreed to a stay of enforcement. On 4/6/13 presbytery voted to elect an administrative commission to the congregation. Church has joined the EPC. Presbytery filed legal action aginst the church 9/26/13 to regain the church property. N/A EPC
March, 2012 Reflections Meridian, Idaho 97 Boise Congregation was dismissed to the EPC in March 2012 N/A EPC
July, 2012 Sterry Memorial Parma, Idaho 183 Boise Congregation was dismissed EPC July 2012 N/A EPC
5/27/2014 Burnt Cabins Dublin, Pa. 15 Carlisle Church voted 11-0 on April 6 to accept dismissal terms after being accepted by ECO in August 2013 and was dismissed by presbytery by voice vote with “overwhelming support for departure.” a payment of $1,125 to satisfy per capita for 2014, 2015 and 2016 ECO
5/27/2014 Lower Path Valley Fannettsburg. Pa. 92 Carlisle The session notified the presbytery of its intent to seek dismissal in June 2013. Church was dismissed by presbytery by voice vote with “overwhelming support for departure.” full per-capita payments for 2014, 2015 and 2016 totaling $6,900 ECO
9/24/2013 Upper Path Valley Spring Run, Pa. 126 Carlisle Church dismissed at the 9/24/13 presbytery meeting. The church voted by a 91-2 margin to accept the terms of dismissal on 7/7/13. Church was required to pay for the commercial property appraisal ($3,000) to satisfy the denomination's call for presbytery to consider property value for dismissal, and pay three years of per capita totaling approximately $9,500. $12,500 ECO
11/10/2012 Calvin Corvallis, Ore. 204 Cascades At a 8/14/12 meeting the session voted unanimously to request to be dismissed from the PCUSA and into the EPC. Dismissed to EPC on 11/10/2012. N/A EPC
11/10/2012 Community Cannon Beach, Ore. 164 Cascades Congregation dismissed to ECC on 11/10/12. N/A ECC
May, 2013 Community Sandy, Ore.   Cascades Congregation dimissed in May, 2013 N/A ECO
7/2/2010 First Jacksonville, Ore. 327 Cascades Under the disaffiliation agreement with the presbytery, the congregation must pay $37,950 in three annual parments of $12,650. Congregation was received as a transitional member in the EPC's West Presbytery in June 2010 from PCUSA. Dismissed on 7/2/2010. $37,950 EPC
11/10/2012 First Oregon City, Ore. 204 Cascades Church was dismissed to EPC on 11/10/12 N/A EPC
11/10/2012 Gateway The Dalles, Ore. 283 Cascades Congregation dismissed to ECO on 11/10/12. N/A ECO
7/8/2007 Hope Rogue River, Ore. 88 Cascades Congregation voted 65-3 to "realign its membership" to EPC; first test of church working with presbytery's new process to address withdrawing churches; a lower court decision granted ownership of the building to Hope; the Oregon Court of Appeals granted title of Hope to the PCUSA on April 27, 2011.  Using neutral principles of law to make its decision, the Oregon State Supreme Court ruled that a local congregation “held its property in trust for the benefit” of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Dismissed to EPC 7/8/2007. N/A EPC
11/8/2008 Kenton Portland, Ore. 62 Cascades Church pledged to donate $7,500 to the presbytery, payable at $1,500 a year for five years. Church was dismissed 11/8/2008. $7,500 EPC
11/14/2014 Merrill Merrill, Ore. N/A Casecades In July 2014, church voted by 83% to leave PCUSA and join EPC. (49-9) and then formally requested dismissal from presbytery. Presbytery voted to dismiss at its 11/14/14 meeting. Terms included: an offering to the presbytery of $4,000; $2,000 to be paid within 30 days after the dismissal date, $1,000
to be paid by 12/31/15, and the remaining $1,000 by 12/31/16.
$4,000 EPC
3/10/2012 Oakville Shedd, Ore. 116 Cascades The congregation voted unanimously on 3/4/12 to transfer affiliation to the EPC. One week later, presbytery agreed unanimously to dismiss church and pastor to the EPC. Under the terms of dismissal, church must develop a plan that “provides a safe, confidential and orderly process for church members to declare their desire to remain in the PCUSA.” The church will also give the presbytery $12,500. Dismissed to ECP on 3/10/12. $12,500 EPC
7/12/2013 Parkdale Community Parkdale, Ore. N/A Cascades Church was dismissed from the presbytery to the Pacific Presbytery of the EPC effective 07/12/2013. The terms for dismissal were as follows: $6,000 payable over three years, and transmission of congregational records to the Presbyterian Historical Society for copying (another $900) $6,000 payable over three years EPC
11/15/2013 Sherwood, now named Cedar Creek Sherwood, Ore.   Cascades The congregation voted by a 90-percent margin in October 2012 to seek dismissal, and the Task Force suggested ECO as the affiliation. The church agreed to make a payment of $15,000 to the presbytery as a token of its connection to the presbytery and its gratitude of support provided by member churches, and to turn over its church records. The presbytery relinquished all claims to the property and granted the dismissal of the congregation and Tang to ECO effective 11/15/13. $15,000 ECO
11/8/2008 Sunset Portland, Ore. 2,000 Cascades A figure of $428,000 over a number of years was in a jointly approved agreement presented to the presbytery. Church was dismissed on 11/8/2008. $428,000 EPC
Dismissal refused Community Howey-in-the-Hills, Fla. 140 Central Florida Presbytery refused the church's request on 6/5/12 to dismiss it. The congregation held its inaugural service on 6/10/12 at the Lakes and Hills Covenant Fellowship at the Lakeside Pavilion. The site is a temporary location. According to a straw poll taken, only eight members of the church indicated they would remain if the church separated. None ECO
6/5/2012 Trinity Satellite Beach Fla. 877 Central Florida On 3/18/12, congregation voted 360-62 to be dismissed from PCUSA into ECO. It was dismissed with its property on 6/5/12. The congregation plans to maintain its current level of support of approximately $20,000 a year for three years and to provide $3,000 a year each to Thornwell Home and School for Children and to the Comprehensive Development Project in Haiti for the indefinite future. $60,000, plus $3,000 per year indefinitely ECO
6/5/2012 First Orlando, Fla. 3,951 Central Florida By a vote of 1,759-185, the church decided to leave the PCUSA and join the EPC. In December, the session voted unanimously to recommend dismissal to the EPC. On 6/5/12 presbytery voted to dismiss congregation. Church will make a single lump-sum payment of $900,000 to the presbytery for the use of the continuing congregation – those wishing to remain in the PCUSA – within 20 days of the presbytery's vote to dismiss the congregation. $900,000 EPC
9/2/2014 St. Stephen Orlando, Fla. 99 Central Florida St. Stephen initiated the dismissal process early in 2013, and the presbytery formed a Resolution Tem to work with the church in March 2013. A congregational vote to be dismissed from the PCUSA was taken on Oct. 27, 2013, and yielded a 74-3 margin for leaving the national denomination. Presbytery dismissed church at its 6/3/14 meeting. Following a 90-day waiting perdiod, the effective date of the dismissal was 9/2/14. $95,017 to leave the PCUSA and keep its property. A negotiated sum of $71,500 was required for property with a one-year per-capita payment of $3,517. The Wells bequest, in the amount of $20,000, also will be transferred from the church to the presbytery ECO
9/2/2014 Woodbury Orlando, Fla. 144 Central Florida Woodbury's session began the dismissal process with the presbytery in February 2013, and a Resolution Team began its work with the church in April 2013. The vote to seek dismissal from the PCUSA in October 2013 was 72-13 in favor of departure.Presbytery dismissed church at its 6/3/14 meeting. Following a 90-day waiting perdiod, the effective date of the dismissal was 9/2/14. pay $125,899. The payment will be $110,551 for real and personal property, and $15,348 for per capita over a period of three years. ECO
SPLIT-- agreement reached 2/7/13 Cornerstone (EPC);

First (
remains in PCUSA)
Stapleton, Neb. 56 Central Nebraska 56 of the 67 member congregation have formed Cornerstone Church (EPC). The churches and presbytery have reached an agreement on 2/7/13 where both will use the church facility. Fund balances were split in half between both churches. They began sharing the facilities with two separate services – one PCUSA, one EPC – on March 3. None EPC/PCUSA
2/22/2014 Bethany Grandview, Wash. 400 Central Washington Congregation was dismissed during the 2/22/14 presbytery meeting. The move to ECO became effective 3/31/14. Dismissal required payment of two years of per capita to the presbytery, a figure totaling $7,600, as well as a change of name. The congregation is known now as Bethany Community Church. $7,600 ECO
1/6/2012 Cle Elum Community Cle Elum, Wash. 130 Central Washington At the October 2011 meeting, the presbytery approved the congregation's request to disaffiliate from the denomination with its property. The action became final on 1/6/12. The once federated church is now a member of the American Baptist Churches of the Northwest. The congregation agreed to pay two years of per capita on the members of the Presbyterian roll to the presbytery. Presbytery removed its name from the property deed. two years of per capita American Baptist Churches of the Northwest
SPLIT Ephrata (Community) Ephrata, Wash. 202 Central Washington Congregation voted 75-24 to leave; majority formed Community Pres.; minority is Ephrata Pres. N/A EPC
June, 2013 First, named changed to Community Omak, Wash. 125 Central Washington On 1/13/13, a straw poll of the congregation yielded an 85-3 vote in favor of departing the PCUSA for the EPC. On June 11, the session accepted terms of dismissal negotiated with an Administrative Commission (AC). Those terms included a name change for the church, which had been known as the Presbyterian Community Church of Omak when it formed 106 years ago, as well as financial compensation to the presbytery in the amount of $11,884.62 (three years worth of per capita) in addition to reimbursement of travel costs for the Discernment Team and Administrative Commission members up to a maximum amount of $3,000. $11,884.62 EPC
June, 2013 First, name changed to Ellensburg Ellensburg, Wash. 260 Central Washington Congregation was dismissed from the presbytery at the end of June, 2013, and finalized its exit process from the PCUSA a month later to become part of ECO. Ellensburg was required to pay three years of per capita, AC costs and property transfer fees, all totaling approximately $30,000. In addition, the church name was changed. $30,000 ECO
8/17/2013 First Waitsburg, Wash. 115 Central Washington Congregation was dismissed at the presbytery's 8/17/13 meeting. It paid the presbytery approximately $15,000. $15,000 ECO
11/30/2013 First, name changed to Walla Walla Walla Walla, Wash. 325 Central Washington On 6/2/13 the congregation voted by a 97 percent margin to leave the PCUSA. Ninety-nine percent voted to align with ECO. Congregation was was dismissed from the PCUSA during an 10/19/13, presbytery meeting. The dismissal was effective 11/30/13. The AC awarded the property to the congregation with the stipulation that the name be changed, loans with the presbytery and synod be modified and three years of per capita in the amount of approximately $36,000 be paid to the presbytery. $36,000  
10/22/2010 First (PCUSA) Saddlerock Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) Wenatchee, Wash. 507 Central Washington A straw poll among congregants in April 2010 showed that 94% of members wanted to seek dismissal. In September 2010, an agreement was reached and the church agreed unanimously to give $175,000 as a mission/church development gift to presbytery; give $47,892 for three years of presbytery per capita; give up to $5,000 in reimbursable expenses from the administrative commission; incur all costs associated with the legal transfer of property, assets and corporation.The presbytery approved Saddlerock's request for dismissal on 10/22/10. $227,892 EPC
12/1/2013 First, named changed to Grace of Christ Yakima, Wash. 1,228 Central Washington In October 2012, the 24-member session voted unanimously to ask to be in discernment with the possibility of dismissal. Presbytery voted 10/19/13 to dismiss, pending financial terms being met and the change of the name. The congregation remitted the equivalent of three years or per-capita payments to the presbytery totaling approximately $90,000 and changed its corporate name.  The church officially wrapped up its dismissal from the PCUSA 12/1/13. $90,000 ECO
2/23/13 Moses Lake Moses Lake, Wash. 613 Central
Congregation was dismissed from presbytery at its 2/23/13 meeting. It was required to pay three years of per capita totaling $63,000. $63,000 ECO
3/31/14 Mt. Pisgah, now Roslyn Roslyn, Wash. 50 Central Washington Congregation was dismissed during a 2/22/14 meeting of the presbytery. The dismissal became official 3/31/14. The church changed its name to Roslyn Presbyterian Church to accommodate a requirement found in the presbytery's gracious separation policy, turned its records over to the Presbyterian Historical Society and paid three years of per capita totaling $5,084. $5,084 ECO
2012 Terrace Heights Yakima, Wash.   Central Washington Congregation left the PCUSA in 2012. N/A EPC
2013/2014 Westminster, named changed to Yakima Covenant Yakima, Wash. 301 Central Washington The session has been gathering information for several years, with many congregants already involved in discussions. Congregational vote on 6/2/13. Named has changed. In process ECC
5/18/13 Rockville Wadmalaw Island, S.C. 125 Charleston-Atlantic Session sent a formal request to enter the dismissal process to the presbytery in June 2012. Church voted to approve the terms of dismissal 5/19/13. Presytery dismissed the congregation 5/18/13. The terms included: congregation pay presbytery $45,000 settlement plus an additional $10,000 to make up the last year of "fair share" contributions to the presbytery. $55,000 EPC
10/22/2001 Albemarle Road Charlotte, N.C. 154 Charlotte Church vote for dismissal took place 5/20/13. Of the 154 active members present, 144 (93.5 ercent) voted to seek dismissal. The church was dismissed at the 10/22/13 presbytery meeting. N/A ECO
5/21/2013 Altan Monroe, N.C. 69 Charlotte Congregation was dismissed during the 5/21/13 stated meeting of presbytery. The session, by unanimous vote, approved a motion to leave the PCUSA in April 2011. In November 2012, Altan's session voted unanimously to move forward with dismissal under the revised policy and expressed a desire to seek alignment with the EPC. After receiving approval for transitional membership to the EPC, the congregational vote to leave the PCUSA and unite with the EPC was unanimous by those active members who cast ballots. Since the congregational vote yielded a result of more than 90 percent in favor of departure, Altan was dismissed with property intact. None EPC
10/22/2013 Banks Charlotte, N.C. 63 Charlotte The congregation voted 6/2/13, to seek dismissal from the PCUSA, with 90.5 percent (57 of 63 active voting members) giving approval to leave the denomination. The church was dismissed at the 10/22/13 presbytery meeting. N/A EPC
5/15/2012 Benton Heights Monroe, NC   Charlotte Presbytery dismissed church 5/15/12 N/A EPC
1/1/13 Bethel Cornelius, N.C. 620 Charlotte At the 9/30/12 meeting, 388 active members voted, with 369 (95%) voting in favor of a motion to seek dismissal from the PCUSA and join the ECO. Presbytery dismissed congregation to ECO. Effective 1/1/13 N/A ECO
5/15/2012 Bethlehem Monroe, N.C. 115 Charlotte On 4/29/12 congregation voted to be dismissed from the PCUSA and join the EPC. Presbytery dismissed congregation on 5/15/12 N/A EPC
2/8/2014 First Kannapolis, N.C. 135 Charlotte A quorum of the congregation voted 1/12/14 to seek dismissal from the PCUSA -- nearly 98 percent of the active voting membership (132 of 135) cast ballots in favor of being dismissed to align with ECO, allowing the congregation to leave with its property. N/A ECO
10/22/2013 Garden Memorial Charlotte, N.C.   Charlotte Congregation voted on 6/2/13 with 100 percent of the quorum present voting to leave the PCUSA. The church was dismissed at the 10/22/13 presbytery meeting. N/A EPC
2/16/2013 Huntersville Huntersville, N.C. 656 Charlotte The church vote was 6/10/12, with 82% in favor of dismissal. Presbytery dismissed congregation to ECO on 2/16/13. Under the terms agreed to, HPC will pay the presbytery $21,600 for five years. That amount was reached by taking an average of the church's giving from 2007-2011. $108,000 ECO
7/20/13 Indian Hill Indian Hill, N.C. 78 Charlotte A congregational vote in April 2013 was unanimous to seek departure for the EPC. Because more than 90 percent of those voting were in the affirmative to leave, the church was released with its property and no additional payment required. Presbytery dismissed church at its 7/20/13 meeting. None required EPC
2/16/13 Ridgecrest Locust, N.C. 28 Charlotte A quorum of the congregation voted (100%) on 6/24/12 to seek dismissal from the PCUSA and petition the EPC for membership. Presbytery voted to dismiss on 2/16/13. Initially, there was a plan to pay the presbytery $10,000 over a five-year period, but that was reduced to $5,000 over five years because of the congregation's small membership total. $5,000 EPC
Fall of 2012 Siler Wesley Chapel, N.C. 454 Charlotte Congregation followed the presbytery's policy on reconciliation. A quorum voted on 9/20/12 to seek dismissal, with 99% of those voting (348-3, with one abstention) in favor of leaving the denomination. 98% of those voting agreed to align with the EPC. The congregation presented a financial gift to the presbytery
a financial gift EPC
2/16/13 Troy Troy, N.C. 51 Charlotte Church followed the presbytery's Policy on Reconciliation and a quorum of the congregation voted to seek dismissal (100%) from the PCUSA and petition the EPC for membership (100%). The original congregational vote was on 4/29/12 under the presbytery's original Commitment to Reconciliation policy with 32 active members present voting (31-1) in favor of dismissal. A second congregational vote, under the presbytery's current Commitment to Congregations Pursuing Discernment or Gracious Separation policy was held on 12/9/12. The congregation reaffirmed the earlier vote with 100% (28-0) voting in favor of dismissal to the EPC. Presbytery voted to dismiss on 2/16/13. N/A EPC
10/22/2013 Westminster Charlotte, N.C. 238 Charlotte The congregational vote for dismissal occurred 6/30/13, and 225 (94.5 percent) of the 238 active members in attendance gave their approval to seek a new denominational affiliation. The church was dismissed at the 10/22/13 presbytery meeting. N/A ECO
5/28/2013 Eastminster Marietta, Ga. 577 Cherokee Session voted unanimously to seek dismissal from PCUSA. Congregation was dismissed at the 5/28/13 presbytery meeting. Church will contribute $25,000 per year to shared Christian missions in the region for each of the next three years. As of 7/15/13 church officially joined ECO. $75,000 ECO
8/28/2012 First Dalton, Ga. 573 Cherokee On 5/15/12, session voted (13 for, 3 against 1 abstain) to approve a motion “seeking dismissal from the PCUSA; and voted (13 for, 0 against, 4 abstain) to approve a motion “to seek dismissal to the EPC.” A group of 50 were identified as wishing to stay in the PCUSA. On 8/15/12, the two sides agreed in principle to a mediation settlement in which the PCUSA minority receives $3.2 million and the distribution from a trust as well as the First name while the EPC group will, upon being incorporated as an official church, retain all property, and other funds, including any endowment deposits administered by third parties. On 8/28/12, presbytery approved the plan. $3.2 million, and the distribution from a trust EPC
12/1/2012 Mars Hill Acworth, Ga. 350 Cherokee In July 2012, a congregational vote showed support to depart the PCUSA by a margin of 182-2 with three abstentions. The vote to affiliate with the EPC had the same results. The church was not required to make any additional financial compensation to the presbytery. It was dismissed from the PCUSA by the presbytery effective Dec. 1, 2012. None required EPC
5/28/13 New Lebanon Jasper, Ga. 120 Cherokee Congregation was dismissed during the 5/28/13 presbytery meeting. It must pay $50,000 for continued support of presbytery and $80,000 for land, building and property. $130,000 ECO
October, 2011 Parkway Cumming, Ga. 475 Cherokee With 74% of the congregation and three representatives of presbytery present, the members cast secret ballots and 273 (94.5%) voted for dismissal, 14 (4.8%) voted against, and 2 did not vote. Thirty members who did not attend sent messages indicating they would have supported dismissal. Session committed to providing a fiscal gift to presbytery once request for dismissal was resolved. The gift was designated for the Tri-Presbytery New Church Development Commission. undetermined financial gift EPC
6/18/2013 First Waukegan, Ill. 170 Chicago Church voted by 90% of voting members to be dismissed from PCUSA and affiliate with EPC. Presbytery dismissed the church at its 6/18/13 meeting. Congregation must pay $128,759 dismissal fee. $128,759 EPC
N/A First Enid, Okla. 312 Cimarron Congregation voted 131-69 to leave PCUSA. The presbytery said the vote is non-binding. The congregation will negotiate with the presbytery to retain the church building and its assets. N/A N/A
Sep-12 Church By The Woods Sharonville, Ohio 62 Cincinnati Congregation voted to disaffiliate from the PCUSA in nearly unanimous balloting in response to the recent passage of Amendment 10A. Congregation dismissed by presbytery to EPC in September 2012 N/A EPC
9/10/2013 College Hill Cincinnati, Ohio 455 Cincinnati Session vote to leave PCUSA and join ECO was 13 yes; 1 abstain; 1 absent. At a congregational meeting on 6/2/13, 299 active members cast a ballot (50% quorum required was 195 members). In answer to the question, “Do you affirm session's recommendation for College Hill Presbyterian Church to seek dismissal from the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) and join the Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO)?" the congregation answered 274 Yes and 25 No. Presbytery dismissed congregation at its 9/10/13 meeting and the church was officially became a member of ECO on 10/1/13. It must pay the presbytery a total of $39,951.75 in per capita on a declining scale for the next five years $39,951.75 ECO
March, 2012 Holtsinger Memorial Cincinnati, Ohio 38 Cincinnati Congregation voted to disaffiliate from the PCUSA in nearly unanimous balloting in response to the recent passage of Amendment 10A. Congregation dismissed by presbytery to EPC in March 2012. N/A EPC
March, 2012 Russellville Russellville, Ohio 41 Cincinnati Congregation voted to disaffiliate from the PCUSA in nearly unanimous balloting in response to the recent passage of Amendment 10A. Congregation dismissed by presbytery to EPC in March 2012. N/A EPC
March, 2012 Wheat Ridge Union, Ohio 21 Cincinnati Congregation dismissed by presbytery to EPC in March 2012. N/A EPC
9/30/2013 Corona Denver, Colo. 116 Denver Congregation was dismissed during a 9/30/13 presbytery meeting. Under the terms of dismissal, Corona must pay $64,476.27 by 12/1/15. Included in that sum are back per capita ($30,476.27), future per capita for five years ($17,000) and funds for future mission endeavors of the presbytery ($17,000). $64,476.27 ECO
Nov. 2011 First United Montezuma, Iowa 213 Des Moines Church was dismissed to the EPC in Nov. 2011. N/A EPC
11/5/2006 Windsor Des Moines, Iowa 170 Des Moines Congregation voted 72-25 on 11/5/06 to leave the PCUSA to join EPC N/A EPC
April, 2012 Westminster Port Huron, Mich. 79 Detroit Church was dismissed to EPC in April 2012. Church offered to pay $30,000 for the property, assets, and liabilities of the congregation. Presbytery approved the offer.
$30,000 EPC
3/16/2013 Guinston Airville, Pa. 158 Donegal In October 2012, the church voted 84-0 to seek dismissal. The presbytery dismissed church at the 3/16/13 meeting. The church was required to pay $9,390 to the presbytery. The congregation also gave a $1,000 gift to Columbia Presbyterian Church's summer feeding program as well as a $1,000 donation to Camp Donegal in memory of Elder Donald Ruff. In addition, the church pledged support over the next five years to PCUSA missionaries, giving $900 each to two couples in foreign countries for each of the next five years to total $9,000. $20,390 EPC
7/8/2014 New London, now called Christian Life Center Lincoln University, Pa. 672 Donegal Church first requested dismissal 3/2/12. A congregational meeting was held 10/13/13 to vote on being dismissed from PCUSA and joining ECO. 278 ballots were casted by “members” of which 92% were in favor of the dismissal. 389 total ballots were casted (members plus non-member) of which 91% were in favor of the dismissal. Presbytery voted to dismiss the congregation on 7/8/14 releasing their ownership of the properties for a cost of $18,000 per year for five years. $90,000 ECO
3/16/2013 Roundhill Felton, Pa. 85 Donegal In January 2013, members voted 44-3 in favor of the session's recommendation to seek dismissal and join the EPC. Presbytery dismissed congregation during its 3/16/13 meeting. Church paid $4,516.68 and agreed to pay an additional $6,000 through 2015 to support Camp Donegal ($2,000), the Columbia Presbyterian Church summer food service program ($2,000) and PCUSA missions projects ($2,000). $10,516.68 EPC
Septmeber, 2012 Fairview Fairview, Pa. 180 Donegal The congregation voted 95-6 to seek dismissal and join the EPC, a request that was upheld by the presbytery in September without any objection. Congregation agreed to pay three years of per capita totaling $15,000 as terms of dismissal agreed to by both sides. $15,000 EPC
Early 2013 Fairview Glenmoore, Pa. 237 Donegal At 10/31/11 discussion, congregation told of seven session meetings that led session to say staying in PCUSA is not a viable option and the the Fellowship of Presbyterians ideas do not appear to be realistic, so session is exploring the EPC. In Dec., the session appointed a team to meet with presbytery representatives in the “discernment process.” Joined EPC in early 2013. N/A EPC
Late 2011 Kennett Square Kennett Square, Pa. 130 Donegal Congregational meeting held 11/13/11. By a vote of 76% (45 yes, 10 no, and 4 abstaining), the congregation decided to seek dismissal. Council voted to write a letter to the session expressing council's concerns as to whether, in light of the vote, it is the right time to seek dismissal and how those disagreeing with the decision would receive pastoral care and guidance. A discernment team met with the session three times in 2011. The session agreed to pay three year of per-capita and will retain its property. Three years of per capita EPC
January, 2011 Bellvue Gap, Pa. 450 Donegal Congregation voted to withdraw from PCUSA in January, 2011. Paid presbytery approximately $27,000 for property. $27,000 EPC
6/24/2007 Forks of the Brandywine Glenmoore, Pa. 207 Donegal 139 voted 136-3 for immediate disaffiliation on 6/24/07; filed lawsuit for property. None EPC
6/24/2007 Great Valley Malvern, Pa. 221 Donegal 181 voted 179-2 for immediate disaffiliation on 6/24/07; filed lawsuit for property. None EPC
6/24/2007 Upper Octorara Parkesburg, Pa. 268 Donegal 124 voted 113-11 for immediate disaffiliation on 6/24/07; filed lawsuit for property. None EPC
Spilt/ November, 2011 First United Mediapolis, Iowa 123 East Iowa Church entered into discernment process, vote 33 voted to stay PCUSA, 8 voted to separate to another reformed denomination, 32 voted to leave to form an independent church. Under the direction of an Evangelical Free Church pastor who had been pulplit supply a little over half the congregation left and formed Cornerstone Community Church in November 2011. None Spilt/ PCUSA - community church
May, 2012 Brown Hill Tellico Plains, Tenn. 34 East Tennessee Church voted to dissolve and re-incorporate as Brown Hill Church, independent while exploring denominations. Church given property in May 2012. N/A independent
May, 2012 Epperson Tellico Plains, Tenn. 68 East Tennessee Church voted to dissolve and re-incorporate as God's Church, independent.  Church given property in May 2012. N/A independent
2/22/2014 Farner Farner, Tenn. 65 East Tennessee Congregation was dismissed at the 2/22/14 meeting. In order to leave with property (church building and manse), Farner agreed to pay $47,000 to the presbytery as well as $1,000 to reimburse PET for appraisal costs. $48,000  
Nov., 2013 First Greenback, Tenn. 89 East Tennessee Congregation voted on dismissal in February 2013. Presbytery dismissed the congregation in Nov., 2013. It was required to make payment of $15,000 over a five-year period, but the congregation opted to make a lump sum payment and sent a check to the presbytery in exchange for a quitclaim deed to its property $15,000 ECO
N/A Northside Cleveland, Tenn. 60 East Tennessee Church accepted into Cumberland Presbyterian Church, but was not able to reach agreement with the presbytery's administrative commission. Legal action has been filed to determine ownership of building. N/A Cumberland
5/29/2007 Signal Mountain Signal Mtn., Tenn. 1,965 East Tennessee Congregation voted on 1/28/07 by a margin of 1,172-10 to leave the denomination and 1,138-14 to join the EPC; presbytery voted to dismiss church with property at 5/29/07 meeting; church must pay presbytery $500,000 over a five year period. $500,000 EPC
5/6/2014 Wilson Station Englewood, Tenn. 29 East Tennessee Congregation dismissed during 5/6/14 presbytery meeting. The congregation was dismissed with property after agreeing to pay 25 percent or $16,750 of the appraised property value ($67,000) and half ($50,000) of a financial gift of $100,000 received from the family of Sam Wolfe. The session agreed to the terms on April 6 25 percent or $16,750 of the appraised property value ($67,000) and half ($50,000) of a financial gift EPC
December, 2008 Kirk of the Hills Tulsa, Okla. 2,800 Eastern Oklahoma Congregation voted 96 % (967-36) to leave the PCUSA. Tulsa District Court Judge Jefferson Sellers ruled 11/4/08 that the presbytery owned the property. Congregation paid $1.75 million to presbytery for the property. As conditions for the property agreement, the Kirk and the presbytery pledged to cease all litigation and to refrain from any more lawsuits. $1.75 million EPC
1/10/10 (dissaffliliated) Struthers Struthers, Ohio 180 Eastminster Congregation voted 97 percent in favor of disaffiliation on 1/10/10; On 1/5/10 the congregation obtained a temporary restraining order from Judge James C. Evans of Mahoning County Common Pleas Court barring the presbytery from attempting to assert control over the local church's real estate or financial assets. None independent
N/A North Benton North Benton, Ohio 189 Eastminster On 6/24/07, 116 voted: 81 (70%) - 29 to seek dismissal; 78 (67%) - 28 seek membership EPC. N/A EPC
5/13/2000 Stow Stow, Ohio 262 Eastminster Congregation vote upheld unanimous session vote to leave PCUSA. The church and presbytery reached an agreement -- approved by presbytery commissioners at at a 5/13/08 meeting -- that the church be dissolved as a congregation within the denomination. It will retain its name, property and assets. In exchange, the church will give $40,000 to several presbytery mission projects over the next five years. $40,000  
2006 Hudson Hudson, Ohio 502 Eastminster Congregation voted 162-61 for disaffiliation in 2006. A magistrate in Summit County Common Pleas Court ruled on Oct. 26, that the property at Hudson Presbyterian Church belongs to the congregation, rejecting the argument of the presbytery that all property of the church is held in trust for the denomination as outlined in the PCUSA constitution. On 5/23/08 Judge Mary F. Spicer upheld the magistrate's ruling. On 2/4/09 an appellate court upheld the decision. On 6/17/09 the Supreme Court of Ohio finalized the earlier decisions by declining jurisdiction in the case. None EPC
6/26/2012 First Dunellen, N.J. 290 Elizabeth On 2/20/12, session voted to recommend that congregation be dismissed from PCUSA into another Reformed church body. On 6/26/12 the presbytery voted to dismiss the congregation from the PCUSA and into ECO. The only financial requirement was for the church to repay its withheld per capita from 2011 and 2012. The congregation also voluntarily repaid a $9,000 grant given to the church years earlier. withheld per capita from 2011 and 2012, plus $9,000 ECO
April, 2013 First Fitzgerald, Ga. 55 Flint River The session unanimously voted to recommend the church seek dismissal from the PCUSA. That recommendation was accepted unanimously by approximately 40 members who cast ballots during a congregational vote on the issue in August 2012. Congregation released from presbytery in late April, 2013. Church pledged financial support to presbytery in the amount of $5,500 (the church's average giving to the presbytery during the last five years). $5,500 ECO
1/26/2013 Covenant Tallahassee, Fla. 70 Florida On 4/15/12, congregation held a congregational meeting at which those present voted 64 to 1 to seek dismissal from the PCUSA and to affiliate with another like minded Reformed denomination. Presbytery voted to dismiss congregation at its 1/26/13 meeting. Congregation agreed to a lease agreement in which congregation will pay presbytery $1,000 per year as per capita and $3,000 per year as mission giving for three years. For four more years, the congregation will pay $1,000 per year to the presbytery. Lease agreement (see information detailed to the left) EPC
8/18/2012 First Greenville, S.C. 3,508 Foothills On 4/23/12 session unanimously voted to seek dismissal from the PCUSA and to be transferred into the ECO. A congregational vote was held 5/20/12, and 97 percent of the 1,500 attending voted to leave the PCUSA and join ECO. Church to pay $570,874 to presbytery over four years — $203,748 to specific ministry areas and $367,126 in unrestricted funds. Dismissal agreement was approved 8/18/12. $570,874 ECO
N/A Nell Townsend Anderson, S.C. 41 Foothills Church requested to enter Gracious Dismissal Process in Nov. 2012 N/A N/A
8/17/2013 Russell Memorial, renamed: Russell Community Church Berea. S.C. 52 Foothills Presbytery dismissed the congregation at its 8/17/13 meeting. The church will continue to host a Foothills Presbytery-sponsored Hispanic ministry congregation. None ECO
4/28/2013 Westminster Spartanburg, S. C. 675 Foothills At a 2/10/13 congregational meeting, 501 attended and 420 (86%) voted to leave and move to ECO. At the 4/28/13 presbytery meeting, the congregation was dimissed. It will pay the presbytery $350,000 over 5 years ($17,500 quarterly payments through 3/31/18). $350,000 ECO
N/A First Bergen, N.Y. 112 Genesee Valley Congregation voted Jan 2013 results 82-5 to seek dismissal from PCUSA. N/A N/A
May, 2009 (lost civil court case) First Oakfield, N.Y. 65 Genesee Valley Congregation voted 69-5 to leave the PCUSA. The church lost its property in court in May 2009, but later bought it back at auction for a fraction of its value (Winning bid, $50,000; valued at $400,000).   Independent
10/12/2014 (disaffilitated) Bonhomme Chesterfield, MO 1,374 Giddings-Lovejoy Church pursued the process of gracious dismissal with presbytery, makinga good faith offer (solicitied by the presbytery) but it was refused. After the Administrative Commission threatened legal and ecclesial action against the church, the session voted to dissaffiliate from the denomination. The church on 10/12/14 to disaffiliate 722-71 (91.1 percent). The vote to join ECO was 703-85 (89.2 percent). None ECO
Aug., 2012 Brazeau Brazeau, MO 38 Giddings-Lovejoy Congregationvoted 14-1 to seek dismissal to EPC, approved by presbyery Aug., 2012.
October, 2012 (SPLIT) First Helena, MT 192 Glacier In Oct. 2012, congregation voted 95 to leave, 46 to stay. Senior pastor retired to lead group to ECO. Associate pastor left to join the EPC. Church remains PCUSA. None Spilt between ECO and PCUSA
4/20/2013 Bethany Korean Carrollton, Texas 344 Grace The congregation voted 4/7/13 to be dismissed to ECO and agreed to settlement terms reached with the presbytery. On 4/20/13 presbytery dismissed the congregation. Bethany Korean will pay $270,000 to presbytery for its financial interest in the property. A lump sum payment of $230,000 was made at the time of dismissal, with a sum of $10,000 to be paid annually for the next four years. If all conditions are met, the PMT plans to recommend at a future presbytery meeting that the payments of $10,000 be forgiven on an annual basis. $270,000 ECO
2012 (SPLIT) First Longview, Texas 708 Grace Approximately three-fourths of the 350 members attending the 5/20/12 meeting voted to separate from the PCUSA. Six members voted to stay with the building; 84 voted to stay with the PCUSA and the remainder – more than 250 members voted to leave. Presbytery established an administrative commission on 5/12/12. The AC was vested with the authority to consider and conclude all matters with regard to First Presbyterian Church, Longview, including making a recommendation to the body for the ultimate disposition of all property of the congregation. Church split, pastors and majority of members left to start EPC of Longview church. Of original 695 member church there remains 200 members, with average worship of 82 as PCUSA with the property. N/A EPC
10/27/13 (disaffiliated) Highland Park Dallas, Texas 4,896 Grace Session unanimously approved a resolution stating that it “believes God has called HPPC to terminate its voluntary affiliation with the Presbyterian Church (USA), and seek affiliation with ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians.” Congregational vote on 10/27/13 to leave the PCUSA was 1,337 (89 percent) in favor; 170 (11 percent) against. The vote for joining ECO was 1,335 in favor to 161 against. The church paid a $7.8 million settlement amount to the presbytery on 11/3/14 -- part of an agreement the two parties made in September, after a previous attempt to reach a settlement agreement in March 2013 had failed. The amount was based off of the total fair market value of the church's property divided by the percentage of those who voted to remain affiliated with PCUSA. $7.8 million ECO
11/12/11 Desert Hills Carefree, Ariz 500 Grand Canyon During a 1/23/11 congregational meeting 84 percent supported dismissal to the EPC. Presbytery dismissed congregation to EPC at its 11/12/11 meeting. Congregation agreed to assume full responsibility for mortgage ($1,129,000), and pay the presbytery $800,000 in exchange for transferring the property's title to a Desert Hills non-profit corporation, owned by church members. The $800,000 payment will be made as follows: at least $300,000 will be paid initially, with the balance to be paid over a period not to exceed 10 years at a to-be-determined interest rate. $800,000 EPC
4/27/2013 Kingman Kingman, Ariz. 91 Grand Canyon Church was dismissed at the 4/27/13 presbytery meeting. Congregation agreed to pay a cash settlement of $60,000 plus all costs of the Administrative Commission. $60,000 EPC
4/27/13 (dissolved) Mohawk Valley Roll, Ariz. 37 Grand Canyon Congregation was dissolved by the presbytery at its 4/27/13 meeting, allowing it to become a community church. Church paid $15,300 for property, plus all costs of the process with the administrative commission. $15,300 Community church
Late 2012 Alexis Alexis, Ill. 155 Great Rivers Congregation was dismissed to EPC after agreeing to pay $338 semi-annually over 20 years for a total amount of $13,500. $13,500 EPC
10/8/2013 Buffalo Prairie Buffalo Prairie, Ill. 158 Great Rivers Presbytery dismissed congregation at its 10/8/13 meeting. Church will pay presbytery $26,000. $26,000 EPC
3/5/13 Edgington Taylor Ridge, Ill. 170 Great Rivers Congregation was dismissed from the PCUSA during a 3/5/13 presbytery meeting. A 9/30/12 congregational vote with the required quorum of 60 percent of the membership vesting ballots was unanimous to seek dismissal and align with the EPC, and the 3/10/13 vote to accept terms of dismissal and leave the PCUSA also was unanimous. Edgington offered a sum of $24,000 to represent five years of per-capita giving and a sum of $13,000 given over five years to missions programs of the church's choosing over a period of five years for a total amount of $37,000. The presbytery accepted the proposal. $37,000 EPC
Dec. 2012 Elvaston Elvaston, Ill. 103 Great Rivers Congregation was dismissed to reconstitute itself, effective Dec. 2012. To pay $9,960. $9,960 N/A
8/12/07 (disaffiliated) First (now Faith) Quincy, Ill. 400 Great Rivers Following a recommendation from the presbytery's administrative commission to dissolve the church and retain church property, the congregation voted 124-17 on 8/12/07 to immediately disaffiliate with PCUSA, join EPC; the church paid the presbytery $196,000 on Jan. 9, a figure that allows the church to be sole owner of the property and facilities and voted 12/23/07 to change name to Faith Presbyterian Church. $196,000 EPC
Late 2012 First Princeville, Ill. 100 Great Rivers Congregation was dismissed after agreeing to pay $75,000. $75,000 EPC
Dec. 2012 Little Ceder Little York, Ill. 96 Great Rivers Congregation was dismissed to reconstitute itself, effective Dec. 2012. To pay $15,661. $15,661 N/A
10/8/2013 Northminster Peoria, Ill. 636 Great Rivers Voted 233 yes-52 no, in Nov. 2012 to seek dismissal to ECO. Presbytery dismissed congregation at its 10/8/13 meeting. Church will pay presbytery $114,603. This figure represents unpaid per capita of $17,576 for 2011, $9,079 for 2012, and $17,808 for 2013 along with an additional $70,140 representing five years of future per capita payments. The church will also pay an additional $115,397 over a period of ten years, to be used solely to support mission efforts identified by the presbytery. $114,603 ECO
5/2/13 Church of the Redeemer Snellville, Ga. 573 Greater Atlanta On Sept. 9, 2012, the session announced to the congregation is unanimous decision to seek dismissal from the PCUSA and join ECO. The congregation was dismissed to ECO on 5/2/13. Church will pay $67,000 to the presbytery and will contribute $68,640 over the next 4 years to PCUSA related missions. $135,640 ECO
3/31/13 (SPLIT) First Peachtree City, Ga. 700 Greater Atlanta Presbytery discerned that there was a viable remnant remaining. Majority of congregation left to form new ECO church, New Church of Peachtree City. The PCUSA church made a gift of $150,000 to the ECO church to start their ministry. The senoir pastor retired from PCUSA and went with the new ECO church. None Split: ECO, PCUSA
2011 (SPLIT) Timberridge McDonough, Ga. 350 Greater Atlanta 219 (62.5% of members) voted. 205 members (94%) voted for immediate disaffiliation from the PCUSA and 14 (6%) voted against leaving. Church offered to settle the litigation – if the presbytery first will consider dismissing the church with its property. In a 4-3 opinion issued on 11/21/11, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that the PCUSA owned the church property, saying that Timberridge was a part of a “hierarchical denomination” whose constitution includes a “trust clause,” and membership in such a denomination implies that a local church has consented to placing its property in trust, even if the local church never explicitly expressed such consent. In June 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court denied the request to review the case. The remnant remain with 110 on the rolls. Administrative Commission dismissed May 2, 2013 None Split: EPC, PCUSA
2006 Serone Artesia, Calif. 33 Hamni Congregation decided to leave PCUSA and keep property; confidential settlement reached in 2006 Confidential N/A
2005 First Torrance, Calif. 2,700 Hanmi Congregation voted 781-144 to leave the PCUSA.   Korean Pres. Church in America
N/A Barbee Memorial Excelsior Springs, Mo. 128 Heartland Church has been accepted into the EPC. Administrative Commission has been established by presbytery. N/A EPC
8/25/13 (disaffiliated) Brookdale St. Joseph, Mo.
319 Heartland Congregation disaffiliated from PCUSA on 8/25/13. It was formally accepted into the EPC on 10/22/13. None EPC
8/22/2010 Colonial Kansas City, Mo. 1700 Heartland Congregation voted 927-27 on 8/22/10 to leave the PCUSA and voted 914-29 to join the Evangelical Presbyterian Church None EPC
Late 2007 (SPLIT) First (church spilt: First remains PCUSA; those who left began Lighthouse) Paola, Kan. 566 Heartland Congregation voted 200-81 to seek dismissal from PCUSA; presbytery's administrative commission rejected the request stating in its report that, "After careful consideration of the facts and provisions of the Book of Order that are applicable, it is the decision of the administrative commission that the request of First Presbyterian Church … be denied." On 12/18/07 presbytery voted to defrock the Rev. Kirk Johnston. In November, a group of congregation members left First Presbyterian to create the Lighthouse Presbyterian Church. 315 people became official members of the new church and the EPC on 1/27/08. Johnston is pastor. None EPC
2011 Gashland Kansas City, Mo. 575 Heartland 333 voting in favor requesting dismissal from PCUSA with its property and 22 voting against; 2 abstentions. The presbytery authorized an administrative commission for the church in June. On 1/10/11 the Court of Appeals of Missouri, Western District, ruled that Gashland was not bound by the PCUSA's constitutional property-trust clause and that it holds clear title to its property, affirming a 2009 lower-court dismissal of a lawsuit filed by presbytery. None EPC
2007 Hillsdale Hillsdale, Kan. 109 Heartland Congregation voted 77-5 to seek dismissal from PCUSA; presbytery's administrative commission rejected the request stating in its report, that it did not complete its consideration of the Hillsdale Church's request "because the stated clerk issued an opinion that stated dismissal could not be made to a transitional presbytery. The Hillsdale Church session was so advised in a meeting on Sept. 9." In eccesiastical case, GAPJC ruled in favor of presbytery $90,000 EPC
October, 2014 Presbyterian Church of Stanley Overland Park, Kan. 1,000 Heartland Congregation voted 79% to 21% to affiliate with ECO. Church has filed a lawsuit in civil court for its property. not yet settled. ECO
11/24/2013 (disaffiliated) St. Luke JOY Kansas City, Mo. 160 Heartland The congregation chose to disaffiliate rather than seek dismissal, voting by a 96-percent margin on 11/24/13 to walk away from the PCUSA. A 97 percent vote to align with the EPC finalized the decision, which was made to avoid any potential conflicts in dealing with the presbytery. None EPC
6/7/14 Bethany Kingsport, Tenn. 104 Holston Bethany took a straw poll that yielded a 104-0 result in favor of leaving the denomination. The presbytery's dismissal vote passed overwhelmingly. not settled yet EPC
6/7/14 Walkertown Afton, Tenn. 37 Holston The presbytery's dismissal vote passed overwhelmingly. not settled yet Cumberland Presbyterian Church (CPC)
December, 2012 Church of Ridgebury Ridgebury, N.Y. 29 Hudson River Congregation voted to leave the PCUSA; NY Supreme Court ruling congregation owns property; joined EPC in 1/27/07. Church dismissed December 2012, building sold to the congregation for $155,000 after NY court upheld trust clause. $155,000 EPC
6/18/2002 Circleville Circleville, N.Y. 100 Hudson River Congregation voted 72-2 to leave PCUSA; pay $112,500 – 10 % of property value. Legal papers were signed 6/18/02. $112,500 EPC
Feb., 2011 First Westtown, N.Y. 59 Hudson River Congregation received by EPC Feb. 2011, paid $8,260 representing 5 yrs per capita. $8,260 EPC
Apr-13 Unionville Unionville, N.Y. 50 Hudson River Church was dismissed to the PCA in April 2013. Congregation had to pay a tithe of $18,320 for the Prison Partnership Ministry. $18,320 PCA
1/28/2013 First Edmond, Okla. 1,760 Indian Nations Presbytery voted to dismiss congregation 1/28/13 by a vote of 63-4. FPC-Edmond will provide a lump sum payment of $510,000 to presbytery but will retain its property rights. $510,000 ECO
2/11/2012 Davenport First Davenport, Wash. 142 Inland Northwest Presbytery voted 2/11/12 to dismiss church to EPC. The dismissal agreement allows the church to leave with property intact and requires a payment of $73,200 to the presbytery. Following a two-year discernment process with the presbytery, DFPC's congregation voted 71 out of 76 members voted to request dismissal to the EPC on 9/11/11. $73,200 EPC
10/19/2013 Christ Richmond, Va. 65 James Presbytery dismissed church at its 10/19/13 meeting. Congregation made a made a cash payment of $35,000 to the presbytery within 60 days of approval of the dismissal. Two church votes were taken :The first on Feb. 17, 2013, yielded a 54-1 result, and the second meeting on Sept. 22 was 59-0 to accept the following terms of dismissal, $35,000 ECO
In process Crestwood Midlothian, Va. 717 James At a 2/2/14 meeting, church voted 398 (yes) to 13 (no) be dismissed in process ECO
2/10/13 (SPLIT: presbytery dissolved session) New Hanover Mechanicsville, Va. 800 James The session of New Hanover unanimously voted (November 2011) to seek dismissal from the PCUSA to the EPC. An Administrative Commission of the presbytery dissolved the session during a 2/10/13 meeting and assumed original jurisdiction of the church. Those who left the PCUSA started a new EPC mission congregation. The Church in Restoration held its inaugural service 2/24/13 at Oak Knoll Middle School. What was expected to be a crowd of about 400 charter members swelled to more than 600 in attendance. None Split, PCUSA, EPC
6/18/2013 St. Giles Richmond, Va. 375 James Congregation dimissed at the 6/18/13 presbytery meeting. It must pay $250,000 to presbytery for property. $250,000 ECO
in process Spotsylvania Fredericksburg, Va 714 James Presbytery voted to dismiss Spotsylvania when all settlement agreements are met. Church voted to seek dismissal to the EPC. ? EPC
10/19/2013 Third Richmond, Va. 1,332 James The first congregational vote was taken 9/30/12, and resulted in a vote of 619-13 in favor leaving the PCUSA. A second congregational meeting on 5/5/13, to OK dismissal terms resulted in a 518-3 vote. The congregation was asked to approve a $370,000 loan from the Third Presbyterian Endowment Corporation to the church to make the entire settlement payment of $370,000 to POJ within 30 days of the vote to affirm dismissal. $370,000 another Reformed body
6/1/06 Third Dubuque, Iowa 160 John Knox Presbytery voted 54-7 let church join EPC 6/1/06; church gave monetary 'gift' to keep property. monetary 'gift' EPC
N/A First Jerome, Ida. 116 Kendall FPC Jerome voted to join ECO upon the approval of Kendall Presbytery for dismissal from the PCUSA. N/A ECO
N/A Living Waters Wendell, Ida. 177 Kendall Left PCUSA to join the EPC N/A EPC
N/A Valley Hazelton, Ida. 74 Kendall Session voted to seek dismissal to EPC 11/13/12 in discernment with presbytery executive. N/A EPC
5/13/2014 Graystone Indiana, Pa. 777 Kiskiminetas Session has voted to enter into the dismissal process with the presbytery. Congregational vote was held 9/15/13. The congregation voted 374 to 168 to seek dismissal. Church was dismissed by the presbytery 5/13/14 to join the EPC. The congregation made a lump sum payment of $268,684 to retain all its property and assets $268,684 EPC
12/31/2011 Shiloh St. Mary's, Pa. 182 Kiskiminetas The presbytery established an administrative commission in August 2011 after church requested dismissal. Presbytery approved the dismissal to the EPC on Dec. 31. In the final agreement, Shiloh retained its property and agreed to pay presbytery $36,000 in missions support. $36,000 EPC
11/16/2013 First Rome, Pa. 127 Lackawanna Church voted March, 2013 to seek dismissal to ECO. Vote was 57-3. Presbytery voted 11/16/13 to dismiss the church according to the "Terms of Dismissal." Church must pay per capita sum of $6,254 no later than 12/31/17 and $2,000 in missions funds by the same date.
$8,254 ECO
1/25/2014 First Hallstead, Pa. 56 Lackawanna Church was dismissed from presbytery at its 1/25/14 meeting. Church agreed to pay $3,422 in per capita no later than 12/31/18 and $500 a mission contribution by the same date. $3,922 ECO
11/16/2013 Silver Lake Brackney Pa. N/A Lackawanna Session voted 9/4/12 to begin the dismissal process. Church voted on 10/6/13 to request dismissal. Church was dismissed at the 11/16/13 presbytery meeting. Church paid $4,524 of the per capita assessment and $500 for a mission contribution $5,024 EPC
N/A Oakhill Grand Rapids, Mich. 159 Lake Michigan Left PCUSA to join the EPC N/A EPC
June, 2012 First Milford, Pa. 178 Lehigh In June 2012, the presbytery voted to dismiss Milford subject to its acceptance as part of the EPC, which was granted in September 2012. Under terms of dismissal, Milford will provide approximately $16,000 to presbytery as descending payments of per capita over a four-year period and make a contribution of $1,550 annually for four years to the Presbyterian Mission Budget. Milford also will be allowed to keep its property. $22,200 EPC
June, 2012 Middle Smithfield East Stroudsburg, PA 217 Lehigh In June 2012 congregation was dismissed by the presbytery with the condition of acceptance by the EPC. That was finalized three months later when it was accepted into the EPC's Presbytery of the East. The terms involved a descending payment of per-capita expenses over a five-year period to total approximately $17,000 as well as a payment of $2,500 annually for five years to the PCUSA mission budget. $29,500 EPC
6/29/2014 Christ Huntington Beach, Calif. 462 Los Ranchos Church voted by a 190-2 margin on 6/29/14 to accept the agreement, and the session followed with a 12-0 vote to do so. Terms of Christ's joint solution to was pyament of $250,000. An additional $187,000 was given to the presbytery in exchange for the complainants' withdrawal of the cases for a total amount of $437,000 $437,000 ECO
6/28/14 Christ Lakewood, Calif. 136 Los Ranchos Presbytery approved the joint solution with the church on 6/28/14. It requires the church to pay $101,070, taking into consideration property value ($77,000), continued tiered mission giving over two and a half years ($13,500) and continued tiered per-capita giving ($10,570). An additional $75,250 was given to the presbytery in exchange for the complainants' withdrawal of the cases for a total amount of $176,320 $176,320 ECO
6/28/2014 Community Long Beach, Calif. 84 Los Ranchos Presbytery approved the joint solution with the church on 6/28/14. Community's joint solution agreement allows it to leave with property but requires a lump sum payment of approximately $1,113,000 upon close of sale of that property. $1,113,000 ECO
6/8/2014 First Westminster, Calif. 250 Los Ranchos Presbytery voted to dismiss the church at its 5/31/14 presbytery meeting for a price of $98,786 in a lump sum within 30 days of its dismissal date. The church approved the agreement 6/8/14. The church is under a stay of enforcement following remedial complaints filed by members of the presbytery despite meeting the requirements of the presbytery's joint solution process. An additional $75,250 was given to the presbytery in exchange for the complainants' withdrawal of the cases for a total amount of $174,036 $174,036 ECO
6/15/2014 Good Shepherd Los Alamitos, Calif. 607 Los Ranchos Congregation agreed to accept the joint solution on 6/15/14, eight days after the presbytery gave its approval. The terms of the joint solution for dismissal include payment of a lump sum of $240,000. The church is under a stay of enforcement following remedial complaints filed by members of the presbytery despite meeting the requirements of the presbytery's joint solution process. An additional $181,750 was given to the presbytery in exchange for the complainants' withdrawal of the cases for a total amount of $421,750 $421,750 ECO
7/31/2014 Journey Evangelical Westminster, Calif. 260 Los Ranchos Presbytery approved a joint solution for the congregation, allowing it to leave the PCUSA if the solution is approved by the congregation. not available ECO
9/26/2014 St. Andrew's Newport Beach, Calif. 3,000 Los Ranchos Presbytery voted to dismiss the church at its 5/31/14 presbytery meeting for a price of $1.7 million plus interest over a maximum of nine years. The church approved the agreement 6/8/14. The church is under a stay of enforcement following remedial complaints filed by members of the presbytery despite meeting the requirements of the presbytery's joint solution process. An additional $1,280,000 was given to the presbytery in exchange for the complainants' withdrawal of the cases for a total amount of $2,980,000 $2,980,000 ECO
7/31/2014 St. Pauls Anaheim, Calif. 52 Los Ranchos Presbytery approved a joint solution for the congregation, allowing it to leave the PCUSA if the solution is approved by the congregation. Not available ECO
6/15/2014 Trinity United Santa Ana, Calif.   Los Ranchos Church accepted terms of the joint solution on 6/15/14, two weeks after the presbytery gave its approval. Trinity will pay the presbytery $982,250 over five years with an interest rate of 5 percent annually on the unpaid balance. The church is under a stay of enforcement following remedial complaints filed by members of the presbytery despite meeting the requirements of the presbytery's joint solution process.  An additional $700,750 was given to the presbytery in exchange for the complainants' withdrawal of the cases for a total amount of $1,629,000 $1,629,000 ECO
6/28/2014 Wintersburg Santa Ana, Calif. 500 Los Ranchos Presbytery approved the joint solution with the church on 6/28/14. Wintersburg, a Japanese-American congregation was asked to make a lump sum payment of $100,000 and agree to a similar five-year reverter clause. However, the presbytery waived that amount based on the Presbyterian Church's silence during World War II when 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry were imprisoned. The denomination adopted a resolution in 1981 saying that it should have done more to help in that situation and drafted a letter of apology. None ECO
5/17/13 (dissolved) First Bay Shore, Mich. 41 Mackinac Church dissolved at 5/17/13 presbytery meeting to become a community church. It will pay $30,713 over 3 years.
$30,713 Community church
mid-October, 2012 First Ada, Ohio 80 Maumee Valley The congregation voted 53-0 by written ballot in mid-October 2012 to disaffiliate the PCUSA and affiliate with the EPC. The next week, the church informed the presbytery of its decision. Ada opted to disaffiliate rather than seek dismissal because of issues other churches had in leaving the PCUSA. A six-member Administrative Commission was formed 1/22/13 work with the church. None EPC
mid-October, 2012 First Bucyrus, Mich. 149 Maumee Valley A letter, signed by 11 members of its session, was sent to the presbytery mid-October 2012, noting the congregation had voted to end its affiliation with the PCUSA. A letter from the church a month later indicated Bucyrus had withdrawn from the PCUSA and Maumee Valley Presbytery. A six-member Administrative Commission was formed 1/22/13 work with the church. None EPC
May 2012, SPLIT SPLIT, First (PCUSA) and Covenant Evangelical (EPC) Tecumseh, Mich. 440 Maumee Valley At the 10/10/11 congregational meeting, a quorum as specified by the PCUSA Constitution and cited in the presbytery's dismissal policy was present, and 81 percent (150-31) voted to seek dismissal from the PCUSA, well more than the 75 percent specified in the presbytery's dismissal policy. On 9/21/11, presbytery named virtually all of the pastoral team members to a newly created administrative commission with greatly expanded and coercive powers. Congregation filed a remedial complaint against the presbytery on April 3 with the Synod of the Covenant Permanent Judicial Commission. AC assumed original jurisdiction and declared church in schism May 2012. The Covenant Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) was formed at a new location July 2012. In Feb 2013, the Presbytery approved paying the PCUSA pastor's salary through 2013, if a request for renewal it will be at a reduced rate. None PCUSA/EPC
March 2002, presbytery took over the property Norcrest Findlay, Ohio 491 Maumee Valley Congregation voted 209-19 leave PCUSA; Pastor fired 1-21-02 and church property confiscated. None EPC
May 2012 (dissolved) First Greenville, Ohio 315 Miami Valley Church dissolved by presbytery (as is the policy rather than to dismiss) May 2012.

2/11/2012 First South Charleston, Ohio 187 Miami Valley On 2/11/12 presbytery approved a covenant of gracious separation with the church releasing all property claims in exchange for $10,000 – the estimated amount of the church's 2011-12 per-capita contribution. On 10/20/11, the church voted unanimously (103-0) to leave the PCUSA for the EPC. $10,000 EPC
2011 Kirkmont Beavercreek, Ohio 314 Miami Valley Congregation passed the session's motion to seek dismissal from the PCUSA with property (10/30/11) by a 95% majority. It read, "The session resolves unanimously and now calls upon the congregation to concur by vote that: The Kirkmont Presbyterian Church determines to be dismissed from the PCUSA with property to another Reformed Body that is consistent with the stated theological standards of the Kirkmont Presbyterian Church." N/A EPC
1/12/12 (Dissolved) Lebanon Lebanon, Ohio 894 Miami Valley Congregation voted 304-8 to disaffiliate from the PCUSA and join a transitional presbytery of the EPC. Presbytery voted unanimously 1/12/12 to dissolve Lebanon Presbyterian Church (LPC) and approved a covenant of gracious dismissal. According to the separation agreement, LPC agreed to give $34,148 to Miami Valley – the equivalent of the church's per-capita payment for 2012. The agreement also requires LPC to spend $15,000 to support an African medical mission partnership previously agreed to by the church and presbytery. The covenant also restricts either side from pursuing any legal actions against the other. $49,148 EPC
N/A Somerville Somerville, Ohio 13 Miami Valley Congregation notified presbytery of desire to leave PCUSA March 2012 AC working with congregation
August, 2009 Faith Germantown, TN 508 Mid South Congregation received August 2009 into the EPC from PCUSA. N/A EPC
5/10/2011 First Ripley, Tenn. 29 Mid-South Congregation voted in early 2011 to seek dismissal, citing differences with the PCUSA positions on gay ordination and church governance as well as different understandings of scriptural authority and interpretation; dismissed by presbytery 5/10/11. None EPC
5/10/2011 First Adamsville, Tenn. 37 Mid-South Congregation voted in early 2011 to seek dismissal, citing differences with the PCUSA positions on gay ordination and church governance as well as different understandings of scriptural authority and interpretation; dismissed by presbytery 5/10/11. None EPC
5/10/2011 Woodland United East Memphis 295 Mid-South Congregation voted 155-34 to seek dismissal from thePCUSA; dismissed by presbytery on 5/10/11. None EPC
5/10/2011 Advent Cordova, Tenn. 133 Mid-South Congregation voted 482-22 to seek dismissal; dismissed by presbytery on 5/10/11. None EPC
8/6/2006 First (Evangelical) Cedar Grove, Wis. 68 Milwaukee The presbytery and the congegation held a separation service on 8/6/06. The congregation paid a $150,000 settlement to keep its property $150,000 EPC
6/15/2014 (Disaffiliated) First Oostburg, Wisc. 265 Milwaukee Congregation sought dismissal to ECO. Presbytery has appointed an AC. Presbytery voted 71-14 to dismiss the congregation to ECO for a price of $500,000. The church had offered the presbytery $100,000. The congregation voted 6/15/14 to disaffiliate and the day after the vote to disaffiliate, congregation filed a civil suit against the presbytery to bring clarity to the issue of property ownership. Shortly thereafter, a letter dated June 16 from Milwaukee Presbytery Stated Clerk Willem Houts was sent to the pastor informing him that his pastoral relationship with the church was dissolved effective June 16. In addition, the letter from Houts indicated that Pastor Jacobson's salary and pension with the Board of Pensions (BOP) were terminated as of June 16, also emphasizing the possibility of eviction. “You are also instructed to vacate the manse and all the church property by August 1, 2014. Failure to do so may result in eviction proceedings,” Houts wrote. None ECO
N/A Lawrence Campbell, Minn. 34 Minnesota Valleys Congregation is working with AC appointed Feb. 2013 to disassociate N/A N/A
N/A Riverside Sartell, Minn. 161 Minnesota Valleys Congregation voted 84-24 to leave the PCUSA. N/A EPC
October, 2009 Bethel Reading, Minn. 106 Minnesota Valleys Congregationreceived October 2009 into the EPC from PCUSA. N/A EPC
3/1/2014 Edna Edna, Texas 63 Mission The congregation was released at the 3/1/14 presbytery meeting, after the church agreed to pay a 10 percent settlement tithe of $80,108.60. It was due within 60 months of the dismissal with a promissory note for the tithe amount and a lien on the church property. Edna also will pay closing costs related to the transfer of property. $80,108.60 EPC
2/10/12 (church and pastors renounce jurisdiction) San Pablo Brownsville, Texas   Mission At its Feb. 5 meeting, 17 members attended, 10 voted to leave the denomination; 6 voted to stay, and one abstained. The church and pastors renounced jurisdiction on 2/10/12. The presbytery on 2/13/12 sent letters to the pastors of the churches instructing them to retrieve their books and personal items and turn in their church keys “[n]o later than Friday, February 16, 2012.” The congregation now meets as Jesus Reigns Presbyterian Church. All property EPC
2/10/12 (church and pastors renounce jurisdiction) Iglesia Presbiteriana Getsemani San Benito, Texas 78 Mission At its Jan. 29 meeting, 45 members attended the annual congregational meeting on January 29, 2012.  Forty members voted to leave the denomination; five voted to stay. The church and pastors renounced jurisdiction on 2/10/12. The presbytery on 2/13/12 sent letters to the pastors of the churches instructing them to retrieve their books and personal items and turn in their church keys “[n]o later than Friday, February 16, 2012.” They named the new congregation San Benito Presbyterian Church All property EPC
2/10/12 (church and pastors renounce jurisdiction) El Principe de Paz Mercedes, Texas 55 Mission At its Jan. 29 meeting, 42 members attended the congregational meeting, held on January 29, 2012. 40 members voted to leave the denomination; 2 voted to stay. The church and pastors renounced jurisdiction on 2/10/12. The presbytery on 2/13/12 sent letters to the pastors of the churches instructing them to retrieve their books and personal items and turn in their church keys “[n]o later than Friday, February 16, 2012.” They now meet as Genesis Presbyterian Church. Elders were examined by EPC on 10/21/12 and the congregation was received as full members of the EPC. All property EPC
June, 2007 Faith Brownsville, Texas 54 Mission Presbytery voted at its June 8-9, 2007 meeting. Congregation will give presbytery 10% of the proceeds from expected sale of the church property in next few years 10% of proceeds from sale of church property EPC
2007 Covenant Jackson, Miss. 539 Mississippi Congregation dismissed in 2007 to EPC. None EPC
8/5/07 (disaffiliated) Grace Chapel Madison, Miss. 220 Mississippi The church voted to immediately dissaffiliate from the PCUSA on 8/5/07. The Madison County Chancery Court ruled in March the church held a clear title to its property. The church was seeking a temporary restraining order to prevent the presbytery from violating a final declaratory judgment that resolved a property ownership lawsuit. Mississippi Presbytery moved the church's request to U.S. District Court, saying there was a federal question about the free exercise of religion under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. But U.S. District Court Judge Daniel P. Jordan III said there was no such question. His ruling sends the church's motion back to Madison County Chancery Court. None EPC
5/17/2012 First Port Gibson, Miss. 107 Mississippi On 5/17/12 presbytery voted without dissent to approve the request of the congregation to leave the PCUSA and join the EPC. None EPC
5/17/2012 First Pascagoula, Miss. 466 Mississippi On 4/29/12, 188 voted to disaffiliate, 16 voted to stay and two abstained. Presbytery voted to dimiss church on 5/17/12. None EPC
5/17/2012 First Ocean Springs, Miss. 405 Mississippi On 4/29/12, 240 members voted to disaffiliate from the PCUSA, three voted to stay associated with the denomination, and four abstained from the voting. Presbytery voted to dimiss church on 5/17/12. None EPC
May, 2012 First Vicksburg, Miss. 354 Mississippi Presbytery dismissed congregation to EPC at its May, 2012 meeting by unanimous vote. None EPC
10/25/2012 Westminster Gulfport, Miss. 225 Mississippi On 10/21/12, the congregation, after following the gracious dismissal guidelines of the presbytery, voted 92-36 to recommend to the presbytery that it be dismissed with its property to the EPC. On 10/25/12, the presbytery dismissed the church, with its property, and with no financial payment. Congregation voluntarily agreed to provide per-capita and benevolences support to the presbytery through the end of the calendar year. voluntary per-capita and benevolences through the end of year EPC
Feb., 2012 Wiggins Wiggins, Miss. 49 Mississippi At its Feb., 2012 meeting, the presbytery dismissed the church to EPC by a unanimous vote. The church vote was 29-1. None EPC
5/17/2012 Yokena Vicksburg, Miss. 18 Mississippi On 5/17/12 presbytery voted without dissent to approve the request of the congregation to leave the PCUSA and join the EPC. None EPC
10/4/2007 Covenant Omaha, Neb. 706 Missouri River Valley Congregation voted 469-9 to join EPC. On 10/4/07, the presbytery unanimously voted to approve Covenant's affiliation with the EPC and the settlement agreement. Congregation paid $125,000 to the presbytery and will pay $30,000 a year for the next seven years, in exchange for being dismissed with its property from the PCUSA. Agreement ended property ownership lawsuit that the church filed against the presbytery. $335,000 EPC
August, 2012 Troy Troy, Missouri 90 Missouri Union Congregation dismissed in August 2012 and will pay $14,000 to presbytery $14,000 EPC
November, 2013 First Mount Holly, N.J. 243 Monmouth Congregation voted 162-25 in April 2012 and presbytery approved at June 2013 meeting to be dismissed effective Nov 2013 to ECO. Church will pay $50,101.10 which represents 10% of the annual regular contributions to the church and will pay the 2013 per capita $50,101.10 ECO.
2012 (disaffiliated) First Mansfield, Ohio 400 Muskingum Valley 87 percent of the almost 400-member of the congregation voted to leave the PCUSA. According to the final report for the year of 2012 of the presbytery's Administrative Commission for Gracious Dismissal, Mansfield, First disaffiliated from the PCUSA and "did not let the presbytery take any action. ... Since no recommendation could be made we simply stated for the record the Mansfield First Church is no longer on our roll of churches in Muskingum Valley Presbytery." None EPC
11/27/12 Fredericksburg Fredericksburg, Ohio 161 Muskingum Valley Presbytery voted to transfer congregation to ECO at its 11/27/12 meeting. The session voted 2/8/12 to go through a congregational presentation and discernment process and at its congregational meeting on 11/11/12, members voted to request transfer to ECO. N/A ECO
7/12/2007 Middle Sandy Homeworth, Ohio 132 Muskingum Valley Congregation voted 60-2 to leave PCUSA; second congregational vote on 6/3/07 was 95-2 for dismissal; presbytery dismissed church with property on 7/12/07; church will honor its 2007 mission commitments to the presbytery and take up a "love offering" for the presbytery honored 2007 mission commitment and a love offering EPC
11/27/2012 Mt. Perry Mt Perry, Ohio 99 Muskingum Valley Presbytery voted to transfer congregation to EPC at its 11/27/12 meeting. N/A EPC
3/10/2012 Westminster Community Canton, Ohio 111 Muskingum Valley On 5/15/11, congregation voted 53-9-2 to affiliate [by transfer] with the EPC; and 52-10-2 to be dismissed with their property by presbytery. On 1/15/12 session approved making a gift of $5,000 (to be paid out in not more than 5 years at a minimum rate of $1,000/year) to be given in the name of both MVP andchurch to one or more local ministries, charities or community service organizations mutually agreed upon. Presbytery approved the transfer 3/10/12. $5,000 EPC
10/19/2014 First Carson City, Nev. 330 Nevada Presbytery voted on 9/17/14 to dismiss church. Church voted 10/19/14 with about 90 percent of those voting in favor of leaving the PCUSA to affiliate with ECO. Church must pay 3 year per capita for calendar year 2014, 2015 and 2016. 4 years support of Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church $7,200; 4 years support of Christ Presbyterian Church, Gardnerville $7,200; 4 years support of Pilipino American Presbyterian Church, Henderson $7,200; Fulfillment of pledge to Zephyr Point Capital Campaign (approx. $5,000); a contribution to the New Church Development Fund an amount equal to $3,000 per each member that desires to remain in the PCUSA. This contribution is not to exceed $20,000 See terms to the left. ECO
December, 2012 (Disaffiliated) White Clay Creek Newark, Del. 318 New Castle At a 9/23 special meeting, the 497-member congregation voted 151-22 to be dismissed from the PCUSA and join ECO. Church However, since the presbytery has no dismissal process in place, Rev. James L. Moseley, NCP's executive presbytery has informed the White Clay session the vote does not count and was contrary to the Book of Order. Church voted to disaffiliate in December, 2012. Presbytery filed a June 2013 lawsuit in the Chancery Court seeking the imposition of a trust to control "all real and personal property, tangible or intangible, titled to or in the possession of White Clay Creek Presbyterian Church." Presbytery has also asked the court to issue an injunction preventing White Clay Creek from disaffiliating from PCUSA and using its property if it is no longer a PCUSA member. The congregation's attorney alleged that under multiple deeds, including one that dates back to 1741, White Clay Creek owns its property and can use it even if it aligns with another church. A settlement was reached 6/5/14. Church paid presbytery $220,000 and presbytery dropped claim to property. $220,000 ECO
10/20/2012 Advent Spring, Texas 66 New Covenant On 3/18/12 the session sent a letter to presbytery asking to enter Presbytery's Gracious Reconciliation and Dismissal Procedure. On 10/20/12, the presbytery voted to dismiss the congregation to ECO. N/A ECO
6/8/2013 First Kingwood, Texas 1,611 New Covenant On 3/25/13 church session agreed to act on the recommendation of the Presbytery Discernment Team and call a congregational meeting. Congregation voted on 5/5/13 to leave the PCUSA for ECO 358-165 (68.5 percent). Presbytery dismissed the church on 6/8/13. Church paid $277,782.30 to the presbytery by cashier's check. $277,782.30 ECO
7/19/2014 Grace Houston, Texas 2,631 New Covenant On 6/1/14 congregation voted to be dismissed from PCUSA to join ECO. 51 percent of the active membership for the church turned out for vote, with 910 of the 1,019 votes cast (89.3 percent) in favor of leaving, far surpassing the required number of 680 affirmative ballots needed to carry the two-thirds requirement to satisfy the motion. Presbytery voted to release congregation during a meeting on 7/19/14. The church will pay $440,000 over five years to the presbytery. $440,000 ECO
2008 Heritage Houston, Texas 512 New Covenant 299 members – or 58 percent of the church's 512 members – voted in favor of seeking dismissal and 63 members – or 12 percent of the church membership – voted against the request N/A EPC
10/20/2012 Memorial San Augustine, Texas 65 New Covenant Congregation voted on 10/14/12 to seek dismissal from the PCUSA and move to the EPC. Vote was 31-0. Presbytery voted to approve the dismissal request on 10/20/12. N/A EPC
3/22/14 Providence Nederland, Texas 180 New Covenant The church entered the dismissal process and voted 54-0 in January, 2014, to leave the PCUSA and affiliate with ECO. The church was dismissed from the PCUSA during the 3/22/14 meeting of the presbytery. The church agreed to pay $150,000 ($75,000 each to New Covenant Presbytery and the ELCA Texas/Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod) as well as $12,920 in per capita. That total payment is due within a month of dismissal. $162,920 ECO
10/20/2012 First Lake Jackson, Texas 496 New Covenant On 10/14/12, the congregation voted 240-6 to request dismissal, with property and assets, from the PCUSA, in order to be received into the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Presbytery voted to approve the dismissal request on 10/20/12. Congregation will pay $53,000 over a five year period as a continuation of mission support. $53,000 EPC
3/16/2013 West Isle Galveston, Texas 70 New Covenant Church session voted 8-1 to seek dismissal, and more than 90 percent concurred . Congregation was dismissed from the PCUSA during a 3/16/13 presbytery meeting. West Isle was required to pay per capita based on its history of giving at descending values over a period of five years. That sum came to about $7,000, and the church decided to present an additional monetary gift of $5,000 to the presbytery. $12,000 ECO
5/18/14 (Disaffiliated) Windwood Houston, Texas 1,082 New Covenant On 5/18/14 the church held a congregational meeting and that 395 ballots were given out to verified active members, representing a 36 percent quorum of the 1,082 on the active roll of the church. The vote to dissaffiliate was 391-4; the vote to join ECO was 388-5. Windwood has been engaged in prolonged litigation with the Presbytery of New Covenant over church property issues. That dispute is not resolved by the congregation's vote to realign with ECO. None ECO
5/17/13 Bishopville Bishopville, S.C. 128 New Harmony Church was dismissed with property at 5/17/13 presbytery meeting. The congregation will pay mission shared giving until its dismissal and its 2013 per capita. mission shared giving until dismissal and 2013 per capita. EPC
Feb., 2013 Concord Sumter, S.C. 118 New Harmony Congregation dismissed Feb 2013 to EPC. The church will pay $6,000 which is 2012 Basic Mission Support, pay pro-rated $1,000 for 2013 Basic Mission Support, and pay $1,399.56 for 2013 per capita $8,399.56 EPC
January 2012 (disaffiliated) 5/14/13 presbytery voted to recognize disaffiliation Darlington Darlington, S.C. 407 New Harmony Congregation voted in January 2012 to disaffiliate from the PCUSA, an act not recognized by the national denomination. However, Darlington and its leadership worked with presbytery's Administrative Commission (AC) to negotiate a settlement. Following the session's approval of the settlement terms on 5/5/13, presbytery voted 5/14/13 to approve the terms of dismissal for the congregation, which recognized its January 2012 disaffiliation vote and 4/1/12 acceptance into the EPC the church paid $35,825 within 45 days of the presbytery's approval of the agreement and will make payments of $28,058.33 by Dec. 31, 2013, $28,058.33 by Dec. 21, 2014, and $28,058.34 by Dec. 31, 2015. The total payment is $120,000, and the church will retain its property and name. $120,000 EPC
1/1/2013 First Florence, S.C. 800 New Harmony A vote took place in June 2012 that revealed 91 percent of the congregation supported the proposal. Presbytery voted in early December 2012 to dismiss congregation effective 1/1/13. Under the dismissal terms, the church will pay a total of $110,000 for shared mission support to the presbytery over the next two years and bring its per-capita contribution up to date -- a payment of approximately $25,000. $135,000 ECO
2/29/2012 McBee McBee, S.C. 78 New Harmony On 2/29/12 presbytery agreed to dismiss McBee to the EPC's Presbytery of Mid-Atlantic. According to the official terms of the separation, the church will keep its property and pay its 2012 per-capita allocation to New Harmony. Congregation was accepted into the EPC 2/29/12 2012 per-capita EPC
10/8/2013 Midway New Zion, S.C. 98 New Harmony On 9/29/13 the congregation approved the terms of dismissal with a 98-0 vote. Presbytery dismissed congregation at its 10/8/13 meeting. N/A EPC
2/29/2012 Westminster Florence, S.C. 38 New Harmony Two votes were taken by the church membership with at least 50 percent of the congregation present. One was a straw poll and the other a binding vote. Both passed unanimously. Presbytery dismissed congregation on 2/29/12 with all property. Church per capita was paid to presbytery.” Congregation was accepted into the EPC 2/29/12 Per capita EPC
10/26/2013 Englewood Rocky Mount, N.C. 127 New Hope Presbytery dismissed the congregation at its 10/26/13 meeting. The church's payment to the presbytery included: $5,000 grant received from the PCUS in 1965; 2013 per capita of $1,907; $7,718 to the mission budget; up to $500 for dismissal costs; and $4,000 per year for 10 years to presbytery mission budget. $55,125 EPC
in process Central New York City, N.Y. 66 New York City Congregation notified presbytery 6/17/13 of desire to withdraw from PCUSA and join EPC. Presbytery Council is recommending that an AC be appointed to assume Original Jurisdiction at the July 27 meeting. in process EPC
2010 Central Huntsville, Ala. 280 North Alabama Congregation voted 142-9 to leave PCUSA; church pay $250,000 to presbytery by end of 2010. $250,000 EPC
4/30/2013 First Aplington, Iowa 253 North Central Iowa Church session voted 5-1 to seek dismissal and more than 90% of those voting during the congregational meeting were in favor of leaving the PCUSA. Presbytery voted to dismiss the congregation at its 4/30/13 meeting. Congregation will pay $93,302 -- a figure reached by taking the appraised value of the property into consideration along with two years of per capita payments. $93,302 EPC
Apr-10 Sequim Community Sequim, Wash. 744 North Pudget Sound Church received as transitional member in the EPC's West Presbytery on April 2010 from PCUSA. N/A EPC
2/23/2012 Sharon Hartwell, Ga. 32 Northeast Georgia Church voted to be dismissed from the PCUSA with property. A certified letter was sent to the presbytery in January, 2012 to inform it of the church's decision and was dismissed by presbytery on 2/23/12 to affiliate with ECO.Church agreed to pay $3,500 to the presbytery in consideration of the trust clause in the dismissal policy. $3,500 ECO
5/17/11 (Dissolved) King Memorial Clayton. Ga 43 Northeast Georgia Congregation voted to ask presbytery to dismiss it with property to become a non-denominational church. Church paid presbytery $15,000 for all accounts and real property. Presbytery dissolved King Memorial Presbyterian Church effective 5/17/11. The church has a new name, King Memorial Community Church. $15,000 independent
10/16/2012 First Clay Center, KS 269 Northern Kansas Congregation dismissed to EPC 10/16/12 with property. Church must pay $61,321. The session may designate these funds as long as 65% goes to an existing mission of the Presbytery, 12.5% go to an existing mission of the Synod of Mid America and 22.5% go to an existing mission of the PCUSA. $61,321 EPC
10/16/12 First Idana, KS 56 Northern Kansas Congregation dismissed to EPC 10/16/12 with property. Church must pay $17,228. The session may designate these funds as long as 65% goes to an existing mission of the Presbytery, 12.5% go to an existing mission of the Synod of Mid America and 22.5% go to an existing mission of the PCUSA. $17,228 EPC
9/1/08 SPLIT Londonderry (PCUSA); Orchard Christian Fellowship (EPC) Londonderry, N.H. 446 Northern New England Congregation voted 208-86 to immediately leave the PCUSA. The tally for disaffiliation represented 71% of those voting and 47% of the church's total membership of 446 that is reported on the denomination's Web site. The PCUSA congregation will keep the name Londonderry Presbyterian Church and use the church's facilities. The members who decided to leave the PCUSA received a 15-acre tract to the new EPC congregation. See information to the left EPC
4/4/14 Bathgate Neche, N.D. 98 Northern Plains Discussions between the session and the Presbytery Engagement Team (PET) began 5/1/13, followed by congregational meetings in August and September. Church was dismissed during the 4/4/14 presbytery meeting. Bathgate agreed to make a one-time payment of $12,500 to the presbytery as well as a gift of $7,500 the University of Jamestown, a PCUSA-affiliated institution located near the church. Bathgate also agreed to reimburse the PET for travel and conference call expenses, and remove the PCUSA logo from the church. All payments were made within 60 days of the April 4 dismissal date. $20,000 EPC
In process First Minot, ID 253 Northern Plains Church vote on 4/28/13 to leave PCUSA and join ECO. A quorum was not present so was turned into an Advisory vote 140 (70%) to 60 (30%) 215 needed for quorum.  At a special meeting in June 2013 presbytery revoked commission of the CLP at the church because he indicated he was transferring to a different denomination and appointed an AC. in process ECO
In process Community West Fargo, ID 268 Northern Plains Church in discernment, session to visit with congregation during meeting scheduled for 9/15/13. in process N/A
2/16/2013 First Mora, Minn. 94 Northern Waters A Presbytery Listening Team recommended that an Administrative Commission work with the session and pastor regarding dismissal, a process that started 2/18/12, with the formation of the six-person AC. Church was dismissed on 2/16/13 but not before paying out $150,000 and meeting other terms. $150,000 EPC
1/19/2013 Mountain Sunbury, Pa. 86 Northumberland In October 2012, a vote was taken to request dismissal and seek membership with ECO. The vote was unanimous to seek dismissal and join ECO. Church was dismissed on 1/19/13 by the presbytery to affiliate with ECO. Dismissal terms included that all PCUSA logos and references be removed from church documents and signage, and that church records be turned over to the presbytery. In addition, MPC paid three years of per capita, totaling $7,900, in advance of its departure. $7,900 ECO
Oct-09 Zion Niagara Falls, N.Y. N/A now in Alleghenies (EPC) Presbytery Congregation was received October 2009 into the New Wineskins/EPC Transitional Presbytery from PCUSA. N/A EPC
December, 2006 Olivet Evangelical Evansville, Ind. 170 Ohio Valley 116 out of 118 voted to request presbytery to let church leave w/property, finances; presbytery dismissed church in Dec. 2006 and filed suit for the church property on 7/2/07 in Vanderburgh County Circuit Court in Evansville, Ind. Indiana Supreme Court's ruling established Indiana as a “neutral principles of law” state. U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the presbytery's appeal. None EPC
4/25/2012 Evergreen Graham, Wash. 89 Olympia 11/17/11 an admistrative commission was created by presbytery to neogiate dismissal terms with congregation. On 4/25/12 presbytery dismissed congregation to EPC. Congregation agreed to pay $19,490. $19,490.00 EPC
4/25/12 Sumner changed name Faith Covenant Sumner, Wash. 365 Olympia 90 percent of the members present voted to leave their PCUSA and join the Evangelical Covenant Church. Presbytery voted to dismiss church 4/25/12 and church will pay presbytery $61,765. On 4/29/12 the congregation was chartered as Faith Covenant Church. $61,765 ECC
4/25/2012 Chapel Hill Gig Harbor, Wash. 1,691 Olympia On 3/1/12, the congregation voted unanimously to accept a dismissal agreement with the presbytery allowing the church to keep its property in exchange for $283,908 in four annual payments of $70,977. The agreement was approved during presbytery's 4/25/12 meeting. $283,908 EPC
4/25/2012 First Tacoma, Wash. 459 Olympia 6/14/11 session voted to start discernment process. 11/17/11 an admistrative commission was created by presbytery to neogiate dismissal terms with congregation. In a congregational advisory vote on 9/28/11, more than 89% of those voting favored requesting an administrative commission to negotiate dismissal from the PCUSA to another Reformed denomination. On 4/25/12 presbytery dismissed congregation to ECO. Congregation agreed to pay $81,100. $81,100 ECO
10/23/2013 (disaffiliated) First Amarillo, Texas 1,043 Palo Duro Congregation voted by an overwhelming 96.5 percent majority (438-16) on 10/23/13 to disaffiliate from the national denomination and join ECO. None ECO
5/18/2014 (disaffiliated) Westminster Amarillo, Texas 514 Palo Duro On 5/18/14 congregation voted 192-1 to dissolve its relationship with PCUSA. None ECO
Oct. 12-13, 2012 Westminster Lubbock, Texas 584 Palo Duro Presbytery voted on 10/12-13/12 to sever the relationship between the church and the PCUSA by dismissing them with name and property to EPC. The church will give the presbytery a 10% tithe of the church's assets. The AC sent out an advisory vote packet on 8/24/12. Deadline for votes was 9/7/12. Out of 580 ballots mailed, 319 were returned (55%). 268 vote to leave (84%); 47 not to leave (15%). 4 undecided. 10% tithe of the church's assets EPC
2/14/08 SPLIT Covenant (PCUSA) New Hope (EPC) Fort Myers, Fla. 1,300 Peace River 76%, or 762 people, of the 1,000-plus members present voted to request dismissal. Presbytery voted 2/14/08: (1) Everyone except a handful of Covenant's leaders voted to declare the church was divided. (2) A vote to dismiss the entire congregation from the denomination failed 98-16. (3) Voted unanimously to form an administrative commission to work with pastors, elders and members of the church who want to leave the denomination and those who wish to stay. Approximately 1,150 members formed New Hope Presbyterian Church and approximately 500 remained at Covenant. split PCUSA/EPC
2/28/2013 First Punta Gorda, Fla. 104 Peace River On 1/20/13 the church voted 68 to 10 to ask presbytery to dismiss it from PCUSA. On 2/28/13, congregation and pastor were officially dismissed. Dismissal terms included the presbytery retaining the real property, including all appliances, fixtures and attached furnishings. The property would be leased to the congregation for $1 per year for two years, with the congregation responsible for all maintenance, and a $25,000 escrow account (reduced from an original amount of $40,000) be established by the congregation for large property maintenance items; and that wind and hail insurance be purchased, with the cost of the premium being split between the congregation and presbytery. In addition, the presbytery would release the church name to the congregation as well as all bank accounts, furniture, instruments and supplies not covered in the real property description. PCUSA presbytery retained all real property; congregation retained back accounts (see information to the left) ECO
8/15/2014 Galatia Eagle Rock, Va. 60 Peaks The dismissal process began with session discussions in January 2012.Presbytery voted to dismiss church at its 5/8/14 meeting. Following a 90-day waiting period, the dismissal became offical on 8/15/14. to pay $15,000 to account for the tax assessment and property value of the building (appraised at $150,000) and $3,500 annually over five years ($17,500) to support missions, total payment $32,500 EPC
5/8/14 New Life, formerly called New Hope Salem, Va. 100 Peaks The church was engaged in the dismissal process for more than two years after holding its first discernment meeting in February 2012 to open discussions about what was taking place in the PCUSA. The congregation was granted its departure during a 5/8/14 presbytery meeting. The official date of release will be Aug. 31. 3 annual payments of $7,500 to presbytery's mission budget and $112,000 to retain property, total amount $134,500. EPC
7/27/2013 Piedmont Callaway, Va. 105 Peaks Church was dismissed from the PCUSA during the 7/27/13 presbytery meeting. Church agreed to commit support to the mission and ministry of the presbytery for a period of five consecutive years, starting in 2014, by paying $6,000 annually in addition to paying mission support requested for 2013 ($2,500) for three years (a total of $7,500) following completion of dismissal and transfer of property. $37,500 EPC
2003 Rivermont Lynchburg, Va. 911 Peaks Congregation voted 95% to leave PCUSA; exit toll of $1.3 million $1.3 million EPC
2/15/2014 Walker's Appomattox, Va.   Peaks Church was dismissed to the EPC Feb. 15, 2014, by Peaks Presbytery. The congregation will pay $3,300 in mission support to the presbytery and $33,021 based on property assessment and current assets. The total amount of $36,021 is to be paid over five years. $36,021 EPC
1/24/2012 Manoa Havertown, Pa. 255 Philadelphia Presbytery voted to dismiss the church to the EPC. According to church officials, presbytery will retain ownership of all real property and buildings while church will keep all non-real property. The church will be allowed to stay in the building under a one-year lease for $21,000. Under the settlement, the church must also pay maintenance expenses. presbytery kept all real property. church kept all non-real property EPC
January, 2010 Covenant Monroe, La. 136 Pines 95% of voting members supported leaving the PCUSA. The presbytery voted at its January 2010 meeting to allow Covenant to leave the denomination with its property. Received into the EPC in Jan. 2010. None EPC
10/19/2013 Minden Minden, La. 118 Pines Congregation was dismissed at presbytery's 10/19/13 meeting. The congregation was not required to make payment to the presbytery, though the session elected to continue its current missional giving to the presbytery and pay per-capita dues for 2014 (a one-time gift of approximately $2,500) as a token of good faith. $2,500 EPC
March, 2010 Scotland Junction City, Ark. 41 Pines Congregation was received March 2010 into the EPC's National Transitional Presbytery from PCUSA. N/A EPC
10/18/2007 Beverly Heights Mount Lebanon, Pa. 343 Pittsburgh Congregation voted 195-4 to leave the PCUSA; 10/18/07 presbytery voted 174 to dismiss church, with 73 against, and two abstentions, effective immediately; church keeps its name and property, valued at more than $1 million; it will pay presbytery $250,000 over 10 years and forfeit $46,655 in a trust account. $250,000 and forfeit $46,655 in a trust account. EPC
2008 Fourth Pittsburgh, Pa. 40 Pittsburgh Congregation voted 27-2 to ask the presbytery for permission to leave the PCUSA for the EPC in 2008. The church didn't ask to keep its property, and the pastor, the Rev. David Schrader, will stay in the PCUSA instead of leaving with the congregation. Church property EPC
12/7/13 Lebanon West Mifflin, pa. 300 Pittsburgh Presbytery dismissed church at its 12/7/13 meeting. Congregation paid the presbytery $35,000, plus another $15,000 to cover past obligations $50,000 EPC
1/20/2008 Memorial Park Allison Park, Pa. 1,675 Pittsburgh Congregation voted 951 (91.1%) - 93 (8.9%) to be dismissed from PCUSA; 4 abstentions. Congregation filed a complaint for a declaratory judgment and quiet title Jan. 3 in Allegheny County Common Pleas Court. On 1/20/08, voted 664-25 to sever ties with the PCUSA. On 4/17/08 presbytery voted 152-82 to accept a $575,000 settlement from the church. $575,000 EPC
12/7/2013 Mt. Lebanon United Mt. Lebanon, Pa. 700 Pittsburgh Presbytery dismissed church at its 12/7/13 meeting. Congregation paid the presbytery $215,000.
$215,000 EPC
12/7/2013 Round Hill Round Hill, Pa. 160 Pittsburgh Presbytery dismissed church at its 12/7/13 meeting. Congregation paid the presbytery $8,200. $8,200 EPC
2/8/14 The Gathering at Windsor Windsor, Colo. 70 Plains and Peaks The church was dismissed at the 2/8/14 presbytery meeting. The Gathering was dismissed unanimously by the presbytery without having to meet any financial obligation. None ECO
11/13/2012 First Little Rock, Iowa 129 Prospect Hill Congregation dismissed to EPC 11/13/12. Congregation agrees to pay $5,000 to the Presbyterian Camp on Okoboji with the promise to continue to support the camp. Pay a $1,500 donation to the presbytery as a sign of their good standing within the presbytery; $2 to the presbytery for the legal transfer of the properties. The congregation will pay for all court costs involved in the process. $6,502 EPC
2/23/2013 First Sibley, Iowa 420 Prospect Hill Congregation voted voted 147-5 for dismissal during a congregational vote. It was dismissed 2/23/13. Under the terms of dismissal, the church will donate $20,000 to the Presbyterian Camp Okoboji, which also includes a partial property assessment, and it will pay 2013 per capita in the amount of $6,822.99. $26,822.99 ECO
8/19/2006 Riverside Linn Grove, Iowa 124 Prospect Hill congregation voted 83-0 to petition for membership in the PCA. Session sent letter on 8/19/06 to the presbytery saying that because of the presbytery's actions at its Aug. 14 meeting, the session no longer recognized the presbytery's authority over Riverside. Presbytery filed lawsuit on 2/16/07 for property. None PCA
5/13/2014 United Boyden, Iowa 98 Prospect Hill Presbytery dismissed congregation at its 5/13/14 meeting. Church paid $5,000 to the Presbyterian Camp on Okoboji with intent to continue mission support of the camp as well as per capita in the amount of $2,140.56 for 2013 and $1,942.36 for 2014. All per-capita payments were made by June 1. $9,082.92 ECO
3/13/2014 Kershaw Kershaw, S.C. 51 Providence In December 2013, the session and PRT met and agreed that the congregation would pay $1,200 of unpaid per capita and $3,250 toward the presbytery's mission budget to satisfy terms of dismissal. On 1/12/14, nearly 80 percent of the congregation turned out for a vote on the terms (surpassing the 50 percent needed), and more than 84 percent (more than the 75 percent affirmative vote required) voted in favor of accepting the agreement to depart for ECO, leading to dismissal with property two months later. Congregation was dismissed 3/13/14 by the presbytery. $4,450 EPC
6/16/2012 First Colorado Springs, Colo. 4,108 Pueblo Session voted unanimously to recommend that church be dismissed from the PCUSA to ECO. On 4/22/12, approximately 95 percent of congregants present voted to depart by a vote of 1,689-80. In order to finalize the departure, FPC is agreeing to pay up to $700,000 over the next five years. Presbytery voted to dismiss congregation to ECO. $700,000 ECO
N/A First La Junta, Colo. 169 Pueblo There are no minutes to determine when the church left the PCUSA for ECO. N/A ECO
N/A First Lamar, Colo. 50 Pueblo There are no minutes to determine when the church left the PCUSA for ECO. N/A ECO
N/A First Monte Vista, Colo. 56 Pueblo There are no minutes to determine when the church left the PCUSA for ECO. N/A ECO
N/A Grace Community Falcon, Colo. 90 Pueblo There are no minutes to determine when the church left the PCUSA for EPC N/A EPC
N/A Kirkwood Memorial Penrose, Colo. 50 Pueblo There are no minutes to determine when the church left the PCUSA for ECO. N/A ECO
6/16/12 United Canon City, Colo. 168 Pueblo On 4/22/12 congregation voted by 98% to leave the PCUSA and join ECO. Pastor said that by 6/16/12 congregation will be formal member of ECO. N/A ECO
3/23/2013 Ardara United Ardara, Pa. 80 Redstone Presbytery voted to dismiss congregation at its 3/23/13 meeting. Ardara pledged an annual contribution of $2,400 per year for four years to Pine Springs Camp, a Christian summer camp affiliated with the Presbytery if Redstone and the PCUSA. $9,600 EPC
Feb., 2010 (received in EPC); 5/20/14 (dismissed from PCUSA presbytery) Covenant Ligonier, Pa. 500 Redstone Presbytery lawsuit filed 12/20/11 in Westmoreland County, saying church has refused to comply with the steps required to leave the PCUSA. The congregation issued a list of reasons for wanting to withdraw, including opposition to the national policy that allows gays in the pulpit and in church leadership positions. Received Feb. 2010 into the EPC from PCUSA. Final agreement entailed a resubmitted request for dismissal by Covenant and acceptance of a presbytery-appointed Administrative Commission (AC) as the ruling body of the church prior to dismissal. CPC also agreed to make a financial contribution of $35,000 to support Camp Pine Springs. None EPC
3/29/08 St. Paul's Somerset, Pa. 332 Redstone Congregation voted 173-10 to request dismissal from the national church with its property. Presbytery voted 48 to 41 on 3/29/08 to grant the church's request to dismiss the congregation with all its property. The vote lets the church leave with all of its property – real and personal – without paying any money to presbytery. None EPC
N/A Fort Palmer Bolivar, Pa. 160 Redstone Congregation voted 58-2 to leave the PCUSA and join the EPC N/A EPC
in process New Life Community (formerly Covelo) Covelo, Calif. 34 Redwoods The congregation has been trying to leave the PCUSA since a unanimous congregational vote in 2011, but the presbytery has made departure difficult. A proposal was made in February 2012 to allow the congregation to pay 10 percent of the value of its property, -- with a value of $250,000, the church would have paid $25,000. The church accepted the proposal but the presbytery did not. A second offer would allow the congregation to lease the property for 20 years – paying for all expenses during that time – as well as its per capita based on membership. An increase in membership during the 20-year period would raise the per-capita payment, but it would remain the same as its starting point even if the church lost members. At the end of the 20 years the congregation could buy the property for 50 percent of its value and would be granted dismissal from the PCUSA at that time. If the value held true for 20 years, that still would be $125,000 along with all expenses paid for the maintenance and upkeep of property held in trust for the PCUSA. The pastor said that the offer would bankrupt the church. in process EPC
11/16/2013 Church of the Valley Apple Valley, Calif. 400 Riverside Church was dismissed by the presbytery on 11/16/13. It agreed to make a one-time payment of $351,865 to presbytery within 30 days of dismissal (by Dec. 15). Included in that payment was unpaid per capita from 2011-2013 and per capita for 2014-2016, all totaling $93,342, as well as a one-time contribution of $21,381 to the presbytery for missions; and an amount of $237,142 for the property. $351,865 ECO
in process Palm Dessert Community Palm Dessert, Calif. 783 Riverside The church voted 3/30/14 to be dismissed to ECO but was 52 votes shy of reaching the quorum of 66 percent (488 votes) of its membership needed as required by the dismissal process outlined by the presbytery. Despite failing to meet the required quorum, the congregation went ahead and took an unofficial straw vote that showed 82 percent in favor of departing the PCUSA. Of the 436 votes cast, 359 were in favor of leaving. Presbytery and church officials are meeting soon to determine the next step for the congregation of more than 700 members. in process ECO
9/21/2013 Community McCloud, Calif. 44 Sacramento Congregation approved to be dismissed to EPC 9/21/13. Church to pay $9,000. $9,000 EPC
12/4/07 Fair Oaks Fair Oaks, Calif. 2,286 Sacramento 1,179 voted to request dismissal and 39 voted to stay in the PCUSA; 3/5/07 church filed a lawsuit against the presbytery seeking quiet title to the church property, along with declaratory and injunctive relief. At 12/4/07 meeting, presbytery voted 146-18 to dismiss church. The church must pay either $250,000 by Jan. 31, 2017, or a "discounted early payment option" totaling $180,000 by June 30, 2008. $250,000 EPC
December, 2009 First Gridley, Calif. 116 Sacramento Congregation was received December 2009 into the EPC's New Wineskins/EPC Transitional Presbytery from PCUSA. N/A EPC
October, 2012 First Redding, Calif. 140 Sacramento The session voted unanimously in August 2011 to seek dismissal from the PCUSA, and a month later, 70 percent of the congregation voted to uphold the recommendation and depart from the denomination. Congregation dismissed from the PCUSA in Oct. 2012. FPC-Redding paid $20,000 to retain its property. Because the pastor at Redding, opted to stay in the PCUSA for personal reasons, the congregation also was required to pay an additional $60,000 to cover a year's worth of salary and benefits for him. $80,000 EPC
12/4/2007 First Roseville, Calif. 1,143 Sacramento 750 voted to seek dismissal and 10 voted to remain in the PCUSA; 3/5/07 church filed a lawsuit against the presbytery seeking quiet title to the church property, along with declaratory and injunctive relief. At 12/4/07 meeting, presbytery voted 153-11 to dismiss church. The church must pay $160,000 by Jan. 31, 2015. $160,000 EPC
11/10/2012 Fremont Sacramento, Calif. 1,234 Sacramento 427 to 164 vote by members to seek dismissal from the PCUSA and join the EPC. Presbytery approved agreement with church on 11/10/12. Fremont will pay the presbytery $500,000 ($50,000 annually for ten years) or a reduced price of $350,000 if Fremont is willing to pay in full within six months. Additionally, Fremont will allow the handful of its members who wish to be a PCUSA congregation rent free space in Fremont's chapel. 500000, or $350,000 if paid in six months EPC
12/4/2012 Grace Weed, Calif 48 Sacramento Congregation approved to be dismissed to EPC 10/9/12. Presbytery voted to dismiss the congregation at its 12/4/12 meeting. N/A EPC
11/22/2013 McCloud McCloud, Calif. 42 Sacramento The session voted 4-3 to recommend dismissal and 5-2 to join the EPC. The congregation voted 25-13 in November 2012 to leave and 27-11 in February 2013 to align with the EPC. Presbytery voted to dismiss church at its 11/22/13 meeting. McCloud's payment to the presbytery totaled $9,000 along with 2013 per capita in the amount of $987 $9,987 EPC
January, 2009 Sierra Nevada City, Calif. 508 Sacramento 342 or 68% of the church membership, were in attendance and cast ballots. Of those, 332 members or 97.2% voted for seeking dismissal and 10 members or 2.8% voted against asking the presbytery to let it leave the PCUSA with its property for the EPC. The church settled with Sacramento in January 2009 for $75,000. $75,000 EPC
N/A First Jacksonville, Fla. 555 St. Augustine On 11/27/12 session voted unanimously to recommend that the congregation seek dismissal from the PCUSA N/A ECO
4/14/2012 Asbury Westfield, N.C. 52 Salem Congregation voted 52-8 in favor of leaving PCUSA. On 4/14/12 presbytery voted to dismiss congregation to EPC. Congregation was accepted into the EPC 2/29/12. N/A EPC
N/A Buffalo Greensboro, N.C. 313 Salem Congregation requested appointment of Conciliation Team of Presbytery for gracious dismissal N/A N/A
July, 2012 Centre Mooresville, N.C. 184 Salem In January, 2012, the congregation voted to seek dismissal and church leaders began meeting with the presbytery's negotiation and reconciliation teams to discern the process and negotiate an agreement of separation. In accordance with Salem's gracious dismissal policy, Centre held a second congregational meeting in May. The membership voted to seek dismissal to the EPC 132-2. The church also voted to give Salem a nominal, one-time offering. The presbytery will not try to make any property claims against the church. Presbytery approved the dismissal request at its July 2012 meeting.   EPC
in process First Winston-Salem, NC 1450 Salem Church is in discussion with Conciliation Team of presbytery for gracious dismissal. Church will vote on 9/21/14 on terms of dismissal. in process ECO
N/A Lake Norman Fellowship Mooresville, NC 62 Salem Pastor renounced jurisdiction and church accepted into EPC without dismissal by presbytery. N/A EPC
2/12/13 Mebane Mebane, N.C. 195 Salem On 10/21/12, 84 percent of Mebane's active voting membership voted in favor of dismissal. Presbytery dismissed congregation on 2/12/13. The church will retain the rights to all its property and pay $21,000 to presbytery to fulfill terms of dismissal. $21,000 EPC
in process Memorial Greensboro, N.C. 72 Salem Church is in discussion with Conciliation Team of Presbytery for gracious dismissal in process N/A
5/4/2013 Westminster Burlington, N.C. 85 Salem Congregation was dismissed during a 5/4/13 presbytery meeting. It made a $5,000 contribution to the presbytery upon dismissal. $5,000 EPC
June, 2010 Fallbrook Fallbrook, Calif. 450 San Diego In July 2008, the congregation informed the presbytery of its intent to leave the PCUSA and filed a lawsuit to protect its property later. In February 2010, a Superior Court judge ruled that the property belongs to the PCUSA. In June 2010, an agreement was finalized that transfered the property title to the congregation for a purchase price of $1.4 million $1.4 million EPC
In process First Honolulu, Hawaii 1,223 San Diego The congregational vote showed 97.8 percent in favor of leaving the PCUSA to affiliate with ECO. The church was required to have a 25 percent quorum (of its 1,223 members) with three quarters of the members present voting in favor of dismissal for the measure to pass. On 6/8/14, 676 members turned out, with 661 of them casting a vote to join ECO. Church have agreed on a figure of $316,323 that FPC-Honolulu would pay to retain its property, with the possibility that the congregation could pay that sum over a period of five years. The presbytery is expected to vote on the matter at the 9/16/14 meeting. in process ECO
10/20/12 First Covina, Calif. 344 San Gabriel The presbytery approved the dismissal with a 93 percent vote at a 10/20/12 special meeting. The church was to become a member of ECO on 12/31/12, but a complaint against the presbytery was filed that sought to make the dismissal null and void. The remedial complaint was dismissed 7/11/13. Terms required congregation to make a single payment of $41,640 to the presbytery and agree to a five-year reverter clause, or five annual payments through 2016 totaling $42,500. $41,640 ECO
12/31/2012 Glenkirk Glendora, Calif. 1,200 San Gabriel Glenkirk was dismissed to become part of ECO, effective Dec. 31, 2012, and a complaint against the presbytery was filed that sought to make the dismissal null and void. The remedial complaint was dismissed 7/11/13. The initial terms negotiated for dismissal required the congregation to make a payment of $188,100 to the presbytery and agree to a five-year reverter clause. Once the complaint came into play, a secondary reverter clause was added, increasing the number of years to 10, and the church was required to pick up the legal expense tab of an additional $25,000. $213,100 ECO
3/11/14 San Gabriel Pasadena, Calif. 165 San Gabriel Church was dismissed during the 3/11/14 meeting of the presbytery, and the move to ECO became official on June 9 following a 90-day period to allow any complaints to be filed regarding the dismissal. San Gabriel agreed to pay $39,060 in recognition of its property value and another $10,000 for ongoing missions of the PCUSA. That payment was made within 60 days of the dismissal agreement in March. $49,060 ECO
6/25/13 Centerville Fremont, Calif. 375 San Francisco Congregation was dismissed during the 6/25/13 presbytery meeting. Church will pay $489,250 to the presbytery. $489,250 EPC
11/9/2010 Community Danville, Calif. 2000 San Francisco CPC's session approved the action at its Feb. 2 meeting, blaming the PCUSA's denominational theological, moral and political drift. On 11/9/10 the presbytery voted 167-41 to accept the recommendation of its “Presbytery Engagement Team,” which had negotiated with CPC an approximate $321,000 dismissal price. $321,000 EPC
in process First Korean Fremont, Calif. 40 San Francisco Congregation met 10/20/13 to affirm its desire to be dismissed in process N/A
6/10/2014 Menlo Park Menlo Park, Calif. 4,125 San Francisco The session of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church voted to begin a process of discussion and discernment about its future denominational alignment. Congregational meeting held March 2, 2014. Church voted by a 93 percent margin to leave the PCUSA and join ECO. Approximately 64 percent of MPPC's members participated in the March 2 vote, with 2,024 voting to leave the PCUSA and 158 voting to oppose the motion. Presbytery is asking for $8,890,000 to let the congregation leave with its property. Presbytery voted to approve church's dismissal at its 3/11/14 meeting. The dismissal becomes effective on/after 6/10/14. $8,890,000 ECO
April, 2010 First Bakersfield, Calif. 960 San Joaquin Presbytery voted in April of 2010 to dimiss congregation with property; the congregation agreed to continue financially supporting the presbytery for five years on a decreasing scale. presbytery support for five years  
Octobe,r 2009 First Fresno, Calif. 917 San Joaquin Congregation voted 543-10 to leave PCUSA and transfer to EPC. Received October 2009 into the EPC from PCUSA N/A EPC
6/9/12 First Hanford, Calif. 233 San Joaquin Presbytery voted on 6/9/12 to release congregation from the PCUSA to the EPC. Congregation was asked to pay per capita withheld from previous years (withheld from General Assembly, not presbytery), as well as current per capita obligations; and reimburse the Transition Team for expenses they have incurred. Pastor and church received into the EPC's Presbytery of the Pacific on Oct. 11. Installation service held 10/28/12 where elders and pastors installed as officers in the EPC. pay current and withheld per capita EPC
November, 2013 First Lemon Cove, Calif. 36 San Joaquin Accepted as a member of ECO in May 2013. Six months later was dismissed from PCUSA. Church agreed to pay per capita for 2014 and to a reverter clause that gives ownership of the property back to San Joaquin Presbytery and the PCUSA if the church ceases to be part of a Reformed body in the next five years. 2014 per capita ECO
Octobe,r 2009 Fowler Fowler, Calif. 169 San Joaquin Congregation wasreceived October 2009 into the EPC from PCUSA. N/A EPC
5/18/13 Northminster Bakersfield, Calif. 140 San Joaquin Congregation was dismissed at the 5/18/13 presbytery meeting. The settlement reached with the presbytery allowed the congregation to pay approximately $10,500 in exchange for the property. $10,500 ECO
5/18/2013 Sierra Vista Oakhurst, Calif. 342 San Joaquin Congregation was dismissed from the PCUSA during the 5/18/13 presbytery meeting. Congregation was required to pay the presbtyery withheld per capita in the amount of $9,200, along with payment for 2013 totaling $12,000 -- final amount of $21,200 paid to depart the PCUSA. $21,200 ECO
October, 2009 Trinity Clovis, Calif. 496 San Joaquin Congregation voted 264-7 to leave PCUSA and transfer to EPC. Received October 2009 into EPC from PCUSA N/A EPC
6/7/2014 Carmel Carmel, Calif. 307 San Jose Church released from the PCUSA during the 6/7/14 presbytery meeting. Church agreed to a financial settlement of $260,000 $260,000 ECO
in process Christ Community Milpitas, Calif 755 San Jose Church is meeting with Presbytery Engagement Team (PET) in process N/A
in process Felton Felton, Calif. 119 San Jose Church is meeting with Presbytery Engagement Team (PET) in process N/A
in process First Hollister, Calif. 255 San Jose Church is meeting with Presbytery Engagement Team (PET) in process N/A
6/7/14 First Salinas, Calif. 2,229 San Jose Church released from the PCUSA during the 6/7/14 presbytery meeting. During a 4/13/14 congregational meeting, members voted 892-8 (99 percent) to accept financial terms and be dismissed to align with ECO. The church agreed to a payment of $800,000 $800,000 ECO
in process Mayflower Pacific Grove, Calif. 123 San Jose Church is meeting with Presbytery Engagement Team (PET) in process N/A
6/7/2014 Morgan Hill Morgan Hill, Calif. 227 San Jose Church released from the PCUSA during the 6/7/14 presbytery meeting. Church was dismissed by a presbytery vote of 152-23 after a congregational meeting on 4/27/14 resulted in more than 97 percent (a 149-4 margin) of its voting membership seeking dismissal to ECO. The church was allowed to keep its name and retain its property for a total payment of $112,500. The congregation had to pay $52,500 in a lump sum with the other $60,000 being paid over a period of five years. $112,500 ECO
in process Saratoga Saratoga, Calif. 262 San Jose Church is meeting with Presbytery Engagement Team (PET) in process N/A
in process Union Los Altos, Calif. 182 San Jose Church is meeting with Presbytery Engagement Team (PET) in process N/A
in process Vintage Faith (First) Santa Cruz 198 San Jose Church is meeting with Presbytery Engagement Team (PET) in process N/A
in process Community Cambria, Calif. 204 Santa Barbara Stated clerk of presbytery received letter from the church session on 1/15/13 indicating its desire to seek dismissal from the PCUSA and begin the gracious separation process. in process N/A
11/12/2013 Community Ventura, Calif. 463 Santa Barbara At its 11/26/12 meeting, the session concluded that it could not remain a part of the PCUSA and voted unanimously to seek dismissal from the denomination. Stated clerk of presbytery received letter from the church session on 11/26/12 indicating its desire to seek dismissal from the PCUSA and begin the gracious separation process. Church was dismissed at the 11/12/13 presbytery meeting. Church paid the presbytery $179,000 at the time of dismissal. $179,000 ECO
5/17/2014 Cottonwood Community Fellowship (ormerly known as Presbyterian Church of Los Alamos) Los Alamos, Calif. 21 Santa Barbara The session of the 21-member congregation notified the presbytery of its intent to seek dismissal on Dec. 16, 2012, and a Presbytery Response Team (PRT) was formed to work with the church. The congregation voted 14-0 to be dismissed from the PCUSA during a Sept. 29, 2013, meeting and 13-1 on April 27, 2014, to be dismissed according to financial terms agreed to by the presbytery and session. to pay $3,360 in ministry share, $3,530.40 in debt share and $3,000 in administrative costs for a total of $9,890.40. Presbytery will lease the property yearly to Cottonwood ECO
in process Emmanuel Thousand Oaks, Calif. 481 Santa Barbara On 12/4/12, the session passed the following motion by 11 to 1: "Given that The Session of Emmanuel Presbyterian Church disagrees significantly with the theology and direction of the PCUSA and its alignment with the beliefs of our local congregation, we hereby move that the congregation consider dismissal from that body. We, the EPC Session, further resolve to notify the Santa Barbara Presbytery of our intention in December, 2012 with a proposed dismissal vote in May, 2013." Stated clerk of presbytery received letter from the church session on 12/4/12 indicating its desire to seek dismissal from the PCUSA and begin the gracious separation process. in process N/A
4/8/14 First Templeton, Calif. 155 Santa Barbara Presbytery granted dismissal to the congregation at its 4/8/14 meeting. The congregation had voted 11-0 to seek dismissal 7/24/13, and informed the presbytery of that decision a day later. The first congregational vote on 11/17/13, seeking dismissal yielded a 101-15 result (five abstentions) in favor of leaving the PCUSA. The second vote, taken 3/6/14, resulted in a 90-4 margin in support of leaving the denomination to affiliate with ECO. Church agreed to pay $42,400 to settle the costs of the dismissal, covering ministry share (for 2014 and 2015) and property considerations to the presbytery. Additionally, the church agreed to continue mission support of the Front Porch Campus Ministry and IMPACT with $15,000 over five years ($3,000 annually). $57,400 ECO
3/8/2014 Malibu Malibu, Calif. 270 Santa Barbara At the initial congregational meeting held 10/3/13, church members voted 173-12 (one abstention) to seek dismissal. During a second meeting, the congregation voted 147-1 to request dismissal from the PCUSA and affiliation with ECO, accepting terms negotiated by the Presbytery Response Team (PRT) and Malibu's session. Those terms included a payment of $52,506.30 to the presbytery over a period of five years as well as $15,000 to the SBP Front Porch college ministry, also payable over a five-year time frame, and the transfer of $81,000 in PCUSA designated funds to the presbytery. The church was dismissed during the 3/8/14 meeting. $148,506.30 ECO
1/26/14 Morro Bay Morro Bay, Calif. 122 Santa Barbara The church voted 80-7 to be dismissed from the PCUSA on 9/13/13, and followed that with a 75-2 vote (two abstentions) to accept financial terms and be dismissed to ECO during a 1/26/14 congregational vote. The congregation agreed to a payment of $50,000 to settle costs of the dismissal. The church made a one-time payment of $30,000 to presbytery and will pay $20,000 to the presbytery's Front Porch Campus Ministry over a five-year period. $50,000 ECO
2/8/2014 Orchard Community (formerly Eastminster) Ventura, Calif. 220 Santa Barbara An initial vote on dismissal by the congregation in September 2013 yielded a 130-25 margin (two abstentions) in favor of departing the PCUSA. A second vote on the desire to leave the PCUSA for ECO in accordance with financial terms resulted in a 118-24 margin (one abstention) on 1/12/14, paving the way for the congregation to be dismissed at the 2/8/14 meeting. Orchard paid $113,000 to presbytery at the time of dismissal to settle costs of the dismissal. $113,000 ECO
4/8/2014 Orcutt Orcutt, Calif. 294 Santa Barbara Presbytery granted dismissal to the congregation at its 4/8/14 meeting. The congregation notified the presbytery of its intent to leave in May 2013 following an 11-1 vote by the session to pursue dismissal. During an initial congregational vote in November 2013, Orcutt voted 179-18 with seven abstentions to seek dismissal. A second meeting on March 2, 2014, yielded a vote of 168-12 with four abstentions in favor of leaving the PCUSA to affiliate with ECO. The dismissal fee for Orcutt was determined to be $87,219 over five years but was reduced to $78,497 at the congregation's request as a one-time payment at the time of dismissal. The church also has committed to support the Front Porch Campus Ministry (of Cal-Poly San Luis Obispo) with $25,000 over five years and to support IMPACT, a mission arm of the presbytery, with $5,000 over five years. $108,497 ECO
2/8/2014 Santa Ynez Valley Solvang, Calif. 278 Santa Barbara The initial vote regarding dismissal on 9/6/13, yielded a 162-16 margin (seven abstentions) in favor of leaving the national denomination. A second vote to leave the denomination and join ECO under terms agreed to by both sides was 185-4 in favor of dismissal. The congregation opted to make a one-time payment of $75,066 to settle costs associated with the dismissal rather than pay $83,407 over five years. The church also had to refinance a loan held by the Presbytery Investment and Loan Program (PILP) in the amount of approximately $2.3 million (down to $1.7 million now) to release the presbytery of any liability for the loan. Presbytery dismissed at its 2/8/14 meeting. $75,066 ECO
9/28/2013 Trinity Camarillo, Calif. 302 Santa Barbara The session at its 11/27/12 meeting, with all members present and casting ballots, voted 14 to 0 to seek dismissal from the PCUSA. Stated clerk of presbytery received letter from the church session on 11/27/12 indicating its desire to seek dismissal from the PCUSA and begin the gracious separation process. Presbytery dismissed congregation to ECO at its 9/28/13 meeting. The church made a one-time lump sum payment of $100,000 on the date of dismissal. $100,000 ECO
in process Westminster Port Hueneme, Calif. 192 Santa Barbara Presbytery received letter from the church indicating desire to be dismissed 7/16/13 in process N/A
11/19/2013 Bethel Columbus, Ohio 300 Scioto Valley Presbytery approved the dismissal at its 11/19/13 meeting. Bethel was required to make a payment of $90,000 to the presbytery. Half of that amount ($45,000) had to be paid by the 12/31/13 dismissal date. The other half will be paid in three yearly installments of $15,000 (paid quarterly each year) for missions in the PCUSA $90,000 ECO
9/17/2013 Adventure of Faith Port Orchard, Wash. 444 Seattle Presbytery dismissed the church during its 9/17/13 meeting and will become an official member of ECO on 1/1/14. The church must pay the presbytery $77,442: $9,612 in deliquent per capita, $19,314 in continuing per capita (as an affiliate member of presbytery) and $48,516 to satisfy the PCUSA's trust clause. $77,442 ECO
9/17/2013 Maple Valley Maple Valley, Wash. 564 Seattle Presbytery dismissed the church during its 9/17/13 meeting and will become an official member of ECO on 1/1/14. The church must pay the presbytery $62,022: $165 in deliquent per capita, $24,543 in continuing per capita (as an affiliate member of presbytery) and $37,323 to satisfy the PCUSA's trust clause. $62,022 ECO
9/17/2013 Wabash Auburn, Wash. 292 Seattle Congregation was dismissed at the presbytery's 9/17/13 meeting. The dismissal will be effective on 1/1/14. Church must pay the presbytery $76,014. Included in that total is $1,836 in delinquent per capita, two years of per capita to the presbytery totaling $16,936 and an additional $57,242 to fulfill the PCUSA's trust clause obligation. $76,014 EPC
10/28/2014 (session vote to request dismissal) First Harrisonburg, Va. 835 Shenandoah Session voted 33-0 to ask presbytery to graciously dismiss them from PCUSA and into ECO. Not settled yet ECO
4/7/2013 SPLIT First (church spilt: First remains PCUSA; those who left began Waynesboro Mission Church) Waynesboro, Va. 375 Shenandoah The session had voted by a 10-2 margin in November 2012 to seek dismissal from the PCUSA only to have the AC intervene and determine that a majority of the congregation wanted to remain in the PCUSA. The AC assumed original jurisdiction following the resignation of session members on March 17, 2013. Those seeking to leave the PCUSA did so, forming as a mission church of the EPC. They worked out an agreement to meet at 10 a.m. on Sundays in the fellowship hall of Church of the Brethren not far from their former home. Their first service was April 7 with 142 people in attendance. The numbers have dropped off some since then, but they have been steady as the new church begins to take root. SPLIT EPC
12/17/13 Spring Hill Staunton, Va. 105 Shenandoah Spring Hill was dismissed at a 12/17/13 meeting and the congregation became an official member of ECO on Jan. 1, 2014.Church gave $40,000 financial gift to assist with repairs to the flooring of the sanctuary needed at nearby Union Presbyterian Church   ECO
2/5/14 Bethany Mercer, Pa. 400 Shenango Members voted by a 99 percent margin on 4/7/13 to leave the PCUSA and affiliate with the EPC. The church was dismissed from the PCUSA to align with the EPC during the 2/5/14 meeting of the presbytery. Additional details about settlement terms were not available. N/A EPC
6/26/2012 Bethel United Enon Valley, Pa. 262 Shenango On 3/25/12, the church affirmed the question “Shall we leave the PCUSA for another Reformed body?” by 86-percent margin. On 6/3/12 the margin crept up to 90 percent when the congregation voted to affiliate with the EPC, 163-18. The church agreed to voluntarily pay Shenango its per-capita allocation for all of 2012 and for half of 2013 and give some mission gifts over the next two years. Bethel is expected to be released from the presbytery at its June 26 stated meeting. per-capita allocation for all of 2012 and for half of 2013 and mission gifts for two years EPC
2/26/2013 Center Grove City, Pa. 164 Shenango Presbytery dismissed congregation at its 2/26/13 meeting. According to minutes from the presbytery meeting, the churches were granted dismissal without a financial compensation requirement. None EPC
April, 2012 Covenant Sharon, Pa. 469 Shenango Covenant's leadership formed a task force in May to study denominational issues as well as possible membership options with other Reformed bodies. The church's session voted unanimously to begin the gracious dismissal process in January and informed Shenango in February. The session spent the rest of the month meeting with Shenango's Dismissal Consultation Team. 3/25/12, the church voted by a 99-percent margin (206-2) to seek dismissal. At its April, 2012 meeting, presbytery voted to dismiss congregration to EPC “when the way be clear.” Church agreed to voluntarily pay for three years of its per-capita allocation On 6/3/12 congregation voted 188-0 to affiliate with the EPC. The denomination approved Covenant as a transitional member of the Presbytery of the Alleghenies. three years per capita EPC
2/26/13 East Brook New Castle, Pa. 98 Shenango In January 2012, with more than half its membership casting ballots well above the required 35 percent as stated in the presbytery's dismissal policy, East Brook voted to formally enter the dismissal process. Later that year, in November, they opted to affiliate with ECO. Congregation dismissed by presbytery on 2/26/13. East Brook agreed to pay a descending apportionment of per capita for three years that comes to about $8,000-10,000 as well as pledging mission funds to the presbytery for at least the next three years. $8,000-10,000, plus mission funds for three years ECO
2/26/2013 East Main Grove City, Pa. 694 Shenango Congregation voted 89% to leave PCUSA. Presbytery dismissed congregation at its 2/26/13 meeting. According to minutes from the presbytery meeting, the churches were granted dismissal without a financial compensation requirement. None ECO
4/22/2014 Irwin Stoneboro, Pa. 53 Shenango Presbytery dismissed congregation during the 4/22/14 meeting. The church made a financial gift to the presbytery upon its departure. a financial gift ECO
2/26/2013 Leesburg Volant, Pa. 186 Shenango The congregational vote to leave the PCUSA was 92-4 following a unanimous vote for departure by the session. Both numbers were well above the presbytery's dismissal guidelines that required a 75 percent session vote, 35 percent quorum membership vote and 80 percent majority in favor of leaving. A year later, the congregation voted 90-0 to seek affiliation with ECO. Congregation dismissed during the 2/26/13 presbytery meeting with all its property and no financial requirement for departure. Leesburg paid the presbytery a little more than three years worth of per capita, a total that came to about $15,000 and was a figure determined by the church $15,000 ECO
Nov., 2013 Mountville Portersville, Pa. 127 Shenango A congregational vote in January 2012 revealed that 96 percent of the eligible voting congregation was in favor of leaving the PCUSA. Church was dismissed by presbytery at its Nov. 2013 meeting. It made a payment of $6,000 to the presbytery to fulfill two years of per-capita giving. $6,000 EPC
2/26/2013 Neshannock New Castle, Pa. 135 Shenango Presbytery dismissed congregation at its 2/26/13 meeting. According to minutes from the presbytery meeting, the churches were granted dismissal without a financial compensation requirement. None ECO
6/24/14 Plain Grove Slippery Rock, Pa. 200 Shenango Presbytery dismissed congregation during the 6/24/14 meeting. None ECO
6/24/14 Presbyterian Church of West Middlesex West Middlesex, Pa. 363 Shenango Presbytery dismissed congregation during the 6/24/14 meeting. None ECO
2/26/13 Princeton Memorial New Castle, Pa. 38 Shenango Presbytery dismissed congregation at its 2/26/13 meeting. According to minutes from the presbytery meeting, the churches were granted dismissal without a financial compensation requirement. None ECO
4/22/14 Tower Grove City, Pa. 270 Shenango Presbytery dismissed congregation during the 4/22/14 meeting. Tower will continue per-capita payments and missional support for at least two years and perhaps longer. per capita payments and missional support for 2 years ECO
4/22/2014 Westfield New Castle, Pa. 400 Shenango Presbytery dismissed congregation during the 4/22/14 meeting. None ECO
5/8/2014 First Selma, Ala. 384 Sheppards and Lapsley The church voted 137 to 42 in favor of leaving the denomination. The presbytery voted 37-27 on 5/8/14 at its meeting to release the congregation from its affiliation. The church will keep its buildings and property valued at $6 million, but make a $150,000 payment to the presbytery, and also change its name. $150,000 EPC
Feb., 2010 First Tallassee, Ala. 34 Sheppards and Lapsley Congregation was received Feb. 2010 into the EPC's National Transitional Presbytery from PCUSA. N/A EPC
June, 2011 (disaffiliated) Sonoma Springs Las Cruces, N.M. 200 Sierra Blanca The church voted in June of 2011 to disaffiliate from the PCUSA and presbytery. Presbytery appointed an administrative commission in July. Church representatives met with the commission one time officially and kept open informal communication. The presbytery offered to renounce any future claims of property ownership and trust interest if church agreed to pay its remaining per-capita and mission funds for 2011. Both sides agreed to terms in December. The church also agreed that the property would revert to Sierra Blanca if within five years the church ceased to exist. per-capita and mission funds for 2011 ECC
8/24/2013 Overlook Mobile, Ala. 115 South Alabama Presbytery dismissed congregation at its 8/24/13 meeting. On 5/5/13 the congregation voted 77-1 to request dismissal. A month later, ECO granted membership pending dismissal from the PCUSA. Overlook agreed to uphold its financial pledge for 2013 in the amount of $2,500 (mission giving and per capita) $2,500 ECO
2/23/2013 Stockton Stockton, Ala. 75 South Alabama Church was dismissed to EPC during a 2/23/13 meeting of the presbytery. The church was admitted to the EPC on 2/26/13. Under terms of dismissal, Stockton has to continue to be a viable congregation in the Reformed tradition and was required to pay off the remaining debt on a loan from the presbytery that was used to remodel a manse. That payment came to approximately $24,000. $24,000 EPC
5/17/2013 Faith United Brandon, S.D. 270 South Dakota Congregation was dismissed at 5/17/13 presbytery meeting. The effective date of dismissal was 6/27/13. Congregation agreed to pay presbytery $225,000; also paid 2013 per capita of 6,254.92 $231,254.92 EPC
5/4/08 (Disaffiliated) First Thibodaux, La. 91 South Louisiana On 5/4/08, 47 of the 91 voting members were in attendance voted unanimously by ballot to disaffiliate from the PCUSA and by voice to seek EPC membership. The church was received into the EPC the next day and assigned to the New Wineskins transitional presbytery. None EPC
11/4/2006 First Baton Rouge, La. 1,592 South Louisiana The congregation voted 422-60 to leave the PCUSA. The vote to join the EPC was 420-60 with two abstentions. In a 55-13 vote Nov. 4, 2006, the presbytery agreed to a stipulated judgment that said the church "holds all property titled in its name in full, complete and unfettered ownership" and that neither the presbytery "nor any person, entity, administrative unit, agency, commission, committee or governing body action on behalf of the Presbytery of South Louisiana or in its stead, or claiming by, through or under the Presbytery of South Louisiana, has any right, title or interest in or to the property, whether in trust or otherwise, nor any right to determine control, directly or indirectly, the use or ownership of the property." None EPC
6/4/2012 First Union Luling, La. 76 South
Congregation was dismissed during the 6/4/12 presbytery meeting. Church representatives offered a payment of $10,000 and the presbytery accepted the offer. A 17-14 presbytery vote released the congregation. The payment was taken to presbytery on June 11. $10,000 ECO
4/22/2013 First Hillsboro, Ill. 250 Southeastern Illinois On 4/22/13, presbytery voted to dismiss church effective April 29-30, 2013, or the actual date when the chuch is accepted into the EPC. On 10/21/12 the congregation voted 84 yes (94%) and 5 no. One non-vote. 90 were present for the vote. Church paid $15,000 to presbytery. $15,000 EPC
4/22/2013 Wabash Allendale, Ill. 95 Southeastern Illinois On 4/22/13, presbytery voted to dismiss church effective April 29-30, 2013, or the actual date when the chuch is accepted into the EPC. Church paid $25,000 to presbytery: $2,500 to Camp Carew; 4%,000 to Marion Medical Mission and $17,500 to presbytery. At the 2/3/13 congregrational meeting, 44 voted in favor, 3 against, and two abstained to be dismissed. $25,000 EPC
11/15/2011 St. Luke Newton, Kan. 127 Southern Kansas St. Luke's request for dismissal was unanimous. Presbytery dismissed congregation at its 11/15/11 meeting. Upon dismissal, St. Luke will make a $6,368.00 financial gift to the presbytery for the exclusive and dedicated use as follows: $3,184.00 to the Westminster Woods Camp and $3,184.00 to the Presbytery of Southern Kansas Disaster Relief Fund to be paid in full within two years. $6,368.00 EPC
8/31/2012 Eastminster Wichita, Kan. 2,302 Southern Kansas The congregation voted 650-17 to disaffiliate from the PCUSA. The church was dismissed by the presbytery to the EPC effective 8/31/2012. The congregation will make a gift of “$220,000 payable over four years representing multiple years of per-capita tax and “$80,000 payable over four years for the continued support and the right to use Westminster Woods at the regular established use charges.”
$300,000 EPC
5/3/2014 Christ Springfield, Mass. 71 Southern New England Presbytery voted to dimiss congregation at its 5/3/14 metting. Church agreed to a financial settlement of $16,624, payable over a period of 10 years, as well as a 10-year reverter clause that gives the property back to the presbytery if the congregation ceases to exist or leaves a Reformed denomination $16,624 EPC
in process Presbyterian Church of Old Greenwich Old Greenwich, Conn. 148 Southern New England Church voted 78-1 to begin dismissal process with presbytery. The presbytery's review team recommended that an “Implementation Team” be formed to negotiate dismissal terms. According to the most recent presbytery records, the team is still meeting with the church. in process EPC
2008 Covenant (The Barn) Simsbury, CT 193 Southern New England Dismissal agreement settlement: $105,000. $105,000 EPC
2/5/2008 First Corinth, Miss 465 St. Andrew 246 members or 94% voted to request dismissal, 14 members or 5% voted against the request, and two members abstained. Presbytery commissioners approved -- without a dissenting vote on 2/5/08 -- a settlement agreement: in exchange for being dismissed with its property, the church will pay $150,000 to the presbytery. The first $25,000 installment is due within 30 days, with five more $25,000 payments to be made annually by the anniversary of the first payment. $150,000 EPC
5/1/07 French Camp French Camp, Miss. 94 St. Andrew Session ask to leave w/property. Presbytery voted 5/1/07 to dismiss w/property for $30,000 $30,000 ARP
November, 2003 First Charleston, Miss. 102 St. Andrew The presbytery voted 61-4 in November 2003 to allow the congregation to vote on whether to renounce the jurisdiction of the PCUSA and leave with its property upon payment of $75,000 to the presbytery. Congregation voted 75-1 to leave PCUSA; paid presbytery $75,000 to leave with property $75,000 PCA
in process First Jacksonville, Fla. 419 St. Augustine In 2013, church leadership voted unanimously to join ECO. Presbytery formed an administrative commission in December, 2013 to work with the church in process ECO
in process Mandarin Jacksonville, Fla. 1,469 St. Augustine The session voted unanimously to ask the presbytery to begin a time of discussion concerning the possibility of congregation peaceably leaving the PCUSA. Presbytery formed an administrative commission in December, 2013 to work with the church in process ECO
8/24/2013 Central Merced, Calif. 624 Stockton Congregation was dismissed at 8/24/13 presbytery meeting. (298-21 to depart with 1 abstention; 306 no, 11 yes). Paid presbytery $53,000 $53,000 ECO
8/24/13 Delhi Community Delhi, Calif. 64 Stockton Congregation was dismissed at 8/24/13 presbytery meeting. (45-2 to depart; 45 no, 2 yes) Paid presbytery $8,224.92 $8,224.92 ECO
8/24/13 Escalon Escalon, Calif. 119 Stockton Congregation was dismissed at 8/24/13 presbytery meeting. (68-2 to depart with 1 abstention; 71 no, 0 yes) Paid presbytery $21,000 $21,000 ECO
8/24/13 Lincoln Stockton, Calif. 372 Stockton Congregation was dismissed at 8/24/13 presbytery meeting. (209-4 to depart; 210 no, 2 yes, 1 abstention) Paid presbytery $45,000 $45,000 ECO
8/24/13 Orestimba Newman, Calif. 46 Stockton Congregation was dismissed at 8/24/13 presbytery meeting. (31-2 to depart; 33 no, 0 yes) Paid presbytery $3,600 $3,600 ECO
8/24/2013 Trinity United Modesto, Calif. 448 Stockton Congregation was dismissed at 8/24/13 presbytery meeting. (206-29 to depart; 218 no, 13 yes) Paid presbytery $64,674.04 $64,674.04 ECO
5/8/2014 Faith Seminole, Fla. 700 Tampa Bay Presbytery dismissed congregation at its 5/8/14 meeting. Faith agreed to make a payment of $185,000 to retain property, satisfy per capita and mission giving, and pay for a portion of the appraised value of the property. The presbytery voted 132-36 to grant dismissal on May 8, and two days later the congregation was received as a member of the EPC's Presbytery of Florida. On May 18, by unanimous vote, the congregation agreed to the terms to leave for the EPC. $185,000 EPC
March 2010 (voted to leave) First now Safety Harbor Covenant Safety Harbor, Fla. 108 Tampa Bay Congregation voted 108-0 to leave; Safety Harbor has the deed and title for the property, but Florida law most often favors the denomination in church property disputes, so congregation walked away and is worshiping at neighborhood library. Congregation joined the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) in May 2010, and moved into its new building at 401 2nd St. N., Safety Harbor on 12/22/11. Left everything ECC
2009 Lakeview Tarpon Springs, Fla. 300 Tampa Bay The presbytery granted separation to Lakeview, which went on to join the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC). The presbytery received $1.5 million for Lakeview's 36 acres $1.5 million ECC
Feb-10 Greenbriar Manchester, Ky 82 Transylvania Congregation was received February 2010 into EPC's Southeast Presbytery from PCUSA. N/A EPC
6/14/13 First Eldorado, Texas 85 Tres Rios Congregation dismissed during a 6/14/13 meeting of presbytery.  Congregation will make a financial gift of $10,000 to the Small Church Fund of Tres Rios Presbytery along with a gift of $6,500 to Project Dignidad, a mission under the umbrella of Tres Rios, in honor of the relationship and shared ministry the church has had with the presbytery during its time within the denomination. $16,500 ECO
10/8/2013 Saxe Gotha Lexington, S.C. 1336 Trinity On 10/8/13 presbytery voted to release church and its pastors to ECO. Congregation voted 793-58 on 9/22/13 to leave the PCUSA. Church will pay presbytery $377,500. An initial payment of $77,500 must be paid by 12/31/13. $377,500 ECO
5/15/2012 All Villages St. Lucie West, Fla. 131 Tropical Florida Church voted to seek dismissal in April with a vote of 80-4. Presbytery voted to dismiss on 5/15/12. Church agreed to also pay a total of $12,300 over the next three years as well as a $1,000 mission contribution. $13,500 ECO
N/A Central Kendall, Fla. 354 Tropical Florida Presbytery minutes report the Council Chair received a letter from the church wishing to begin the process for gracious separation. N/A N/A
9/24/2013 Community Clewiston, Fla. 45 Tropical Florida Presbytery dismissed the church during the Sept. 24, 2013 meeting and formally was received as a member of the EPC on Oct. 12, 2013. The tithe on the church property to benefit the mission of the presbytery came to $28,000 annually for three years. The first payment was made on the date of departure, with subsequent payments due by Nov. 30 each year to reach the full amount of $84,000 $84,000 EPC
5/15/2012 Faith Pembroke Pines, Fla. 191 Tropical Florida Presbytery minutes report the Council Chair received a letter from the church wishing to begin the process for gracious separation. Congregation voted 103-5 to seek dismissal in March, 2012. Presbytery voted to dismiss on 5/15/12. Church agreed to pay $17,615 in per capita over three years and to make a mission contribution of $7,393 -- also to be paid over three years. $25,008 EPC
5/15/2012 First Miami Springs, Fla. 73 Tropical Florida On 4/15/12 congregation had 43 members present. The question was whether we wanted to be dismissed from the PCUSA to join the ECO. The outcome was 42 to leave, 1 to stay. Presbytery voted 5/15/12 to dismiss. It also agreed to grant the dismissal without any payments and with its property intact. None ECO
5/15/12 First North Palm Beach, Fla. 1,122 Tropical Florida The session voted unanimously to begin the discernment process with presbytery. In March 2012 congregation voted 548-19 to request dismissal. Presbytery voted to dismiss on 5/15/12. In addition to paying three years of per capita totaling $105,359, North Palm Beach also agreed to repay $20,000 to Tropical for money spent by the presbytery to repair damages caused to the church by hurricanes. $125,359 ECO
6/3/14 Friendship Hialeah, Fla. 90 Tropical Florida Congregation was dismissed to ECO during the 6/3/14 meeting of the presbytery without its property. The presbytery rejected an offer of $191,000 from the congregation to retain its property. The congregation, which holds services in Spanish and English and is comprised primarily of adults of Hispanic origin, will be allowed to use the property rent-free for one year while it makes the transition to another place of worship. Friendship had a congregational meeting 6/8/14 and voted to accept the terms of dismissal. Presbytery kept all property ECO
5/15/2012 Grace Community Boca Raton, Fla. 866 Tropical Florida Presbytery minutes report the Council Chair received a letter from the church wishing to begin the process for gracious separation. on 4/22/12 church voted to seek dismissal by a 93-percent margin, 278-22. Presbytery voted to dismiss on 5/15/12. Grace will pay three years of per capita in the amount of $82,000, as well as making a one-time payment of $27,000 to the presbytery for world missions. $109,000 ECO
5/15/12 Indian River Fort Pierce, Fla. 631 Tropical Florida On 4/22/12 church voted to request dismissal from the PCUSA. There were 323 members at the meeting and 95.7% voted in favor of seeking dismissal (309 leave, 14 to stay). Presbytery voted to dismiss on 5/15/12. Under its separation agreement, church will pay $59,250, representing three years of per capita as well as a $12,000 mission gift. It also agreed to pay $75,000 to keep a separate piece of property valued at $750,000 because the church originally received a grant from Tropical to develop a ministry on the site. $146,250 ECO
5/15/2012 Kirk of the Keys Marathon, Fla. 72 Tropical Florida Presbytery minutes report the Council Chair received a letter from the church wishing to begin the process for gracious separation. At 4/25/12 congregational meeting church agreed to seek dismissal by a vote of 49-1. Presbytery voted to dismiss on 5/15/12. The church will retain its property, and will pay three years worth of per capita in the amount of $6,762 in addition to a $1,000 mission contribution $7,762 ECO
5/15/2012 Memorial West Palm Beach, Fla. 300 Tropical Florida Church voted to seek dismissal at the end of April by a 90-percent-plus margin of 118-6. Presbytery voted to dismiss on 5/15/12. Church agreed to pay three years of per capita totaling $28,170, in addition to a $5,000 mission contribution. $33,170 ECO
5/15/12 Palm City Palm City, Fla. 523 Tropical Florida On 4/29/12, the congregation voted to seek dismissal by a vote of 285-8 – a 96% margin. Presbytery voted to dismiss on 5/15/12. Congregation will pay three years of per capita -- $46,856 – and a $3,000 mission pledge in order to keep its property, valued at $3.19 million. $49,856 ECO
in process Christ Edina, Minn. 5,541 Twin Cities In a December 2012 straw poll, a total of 1,201 church members voted 86% in favor of leaving the PCUSA and joining ECO. Session is pursuing formal conversations with presbytery to move to ECO in process ECO
5/13/2014 Hope Richfield, Minn. 1,200 Twin Cities Congregation was dismissed during the 5/13/14 presbytery meeting. Final closing on the agreement took place on 6/30/14. Hope agreed to make a $1.2 million cash payment, plus all expenses incurred by the presbytery during the process (nearly $100,000). The presbytery also will take possession of the congregation's Oliver Christian Ministry Center (OCMC) that came to the church in 2007 when Hope merged with the Oliver Church $1.2 million ECO
12/14/2013 Westminster, now Mountain Road Fruit Heights, Utah 115 Utah The presbytery voted by 94 percent to approve WPC's departure during a 12/14/13 meeting. The church paid the presbytery $151,750 for the property. $151,750 EPC
May-10 Attica Attica, Ind. 90 Wabash Valley trying to leave the PCUSA for more than a year, presbytery has placed administrative commission in charge of church. Received May 2010 into the Midwest Presbytery of the EPC. N/A EPC
Feb., 2009 Covenant West Lafayette, Ind. 1,165 Wabash Valley Church voted in 2008 to seek dismissal from the PCUSA and shortened its name to Covenant Church. Presbytery voted in Feb. 2009 to dismiss congregation to MidWest Presbytery of the EPC. On 4/15/09, congregation ceased to be a member of Wabash Valley Presbytery. N/A EPC
5/21/2013 Faith West Lafayette, Ind. 118 Wabash Valley The church voted in March 2012 to disaffiliate rather than engage in the gracious dismissal process put in place by the presbytery. A month later, church members voted to seek the EPC as their new denominational home. Faith notified the presbytery of its desire to reach a severance agreement on mutually acceptable terms 3/25/12. Congregation was dismissed during the 5/21/13 presbytery meeting. Church is required to pay presbytery and synod per-capita rates for 2012, 2013 and 2014 (reduced by payments previously made in 2012) totaling no more than $10,725.50 on or before 12/31/14. It will pay $49,476 to be used for the benefit of the Geneva Center Capital Fund. $60,201.50 EPC
11/16/08 (Disaffiliated) First Kokomo, Ind. 556 Wabash Valley Congregationvoted 270 to 38 to disaffiliate from PCUSA on 11/16/08 and was accepted into the Midwest Presbytery of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church the following day. None/ EPC
April, 2004 First Warsaw, Ind. 721 Wabash Valley The congregation voted 325-0 to leave with its property in April 2004. It paid $95,743 $95,743 EPC
Feb. 2009 First Frankfort, Ind. 303 Wabash Valley Presbytery voted in Feb. 2009 to dismiss congregation to MidWest Presbytery of the EPC. On 4/15/09, congregation ceased to be a member of Wabash Valley Presbytery. N/A EPC
Feb. 2009 First Nappanee, Ind. 108 Wabash Valley Presbytery voted in Feb. 2009 to dismiss congregation to MidWest Presbytery of the EPC. On 4/15/09, congregation ceased to be a member of Wabash Valley Presbytery. N/A EPC
3/11/2014 Bethel Prosperity, Pa. 201 Washington By a vote of 93-12 on 11/17/13 the congregation requested the presbytery dismiss it from PCUSA to EPC. Presbytery dismissed church at its 3/11/14 meeting. Congregation must pay the presbytery $1,553.00, an amount equal to ten percent of the taxassessment value of all properties, plus its 2013 per capita and one quarter of its 2014 per capita. $1,553.00 EPC
9/10/2013 First Bentleyville, Pa 169 Washington At a meeting on 6/30/13, the congregation voted by a margin of 82-21 (with one abstention) to seek dismissal from PCUSA to EPC. A dismissal agreement has been reached with the Washington Presbytery Pastoral Response Team. Presbytery dismissed church at its 9/10/13 meeting. N/A EPC
9/10/2013 McDonald McDonald, Pa. 270 Washington Congregational meeting was held 5/19/13 with 141 members present. Of those who voted 125 voted yes, 14 voted no, and 2 abstained. The church will pay a fee of 5% of its Washington County Tax Assessment value. That amount is: $12,379.00, plus it will give a gift of $5,000.00 to Pine Springs Camp and pay the full Per Capita amount for 2013. Presbytery dismissed church at its 9/10/13 meeting. 17379, plus per capita for 2013 ECO
9/10/13 Mingo Creek Finleyville, PA 81 Washington Congregation voted 67-8 in favor of leaving PCUSA. Presbytery dismissed church at its 9/10/13 meeting. N/A ECO
11/4/07 (disaffiliated) Peters Creek Venetia, Pa. 595 Washington 361 voted; 273-86 to leave the PCUSA; presbytery's administrative commission recommended that the church be dismissed from the PCUSA to join the EPC; on 11/4/07 voted 207-26 with five abstentions to leave the PCUSA without presbytery approval, and to immediately affiliate with EPC. Common Pleas Judge Gary Gilman ruled Dec. 2 the ownership of Peters Creek United Presbyterian Church lies with a minority group that voted against leaving Presbyterian Church U.S.A. more than six years ago. Parties are now in the process of negotiating the fate of the property. None EPC
9/10/2013 Third UP, now New Hope Washington, Pa. 96 Washington The session formally notified the presbytery on 4/15/12 to begin the process of “gracious separation. Congregation voted 56-2 on 4/14/13 to leave the PCUSA. Church must change its name. Presbytery dismissed church at its 9/10/13 meeting. Church changed its name to New Hope Church. N/A ECO
1/18/2014 Venice McDonald, Pa. 175 Washington With at least 125 of the 175 active members present and voting on 10/6/13, congregation approved motion to leave PCUSA for EPC by a vote of 117-8. Presbytery will be 1/18/14. It states that the church must pay $4,795, an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the property's tax assessed value, plus remaining per capita for 2013 in the amount of $1,101.60 and full per capita for 2014 in the amount of $ 5,346.00. $11,242.60 EPC
9/10/2013 Windy Gap West Finley, Pa. 71 Washington Congregation voted 40-4 in favor of leaving PCUSA. Presbytery dismissed church at its 9/10/13 meeting. N/A EPC
June 2012 Bethany (PCUSA) now Bethany Grace Community Church Bridgeton, N.J. 100 West Jersey The church members met in the summer of 2011 with representatives from the presbytery to express their unanimous desire to sever their relationship with the denomination. Throughout the year negotiations commenced, and an agreement was ratified by the presbytery and church in June 2012. N/A Independent
In process First Hendersonville, NC 446 Western N.C. On 6/5/13 congregation voted by 81 percent to change their denominational affiliation from the PCUSA to the EPC. The sides have been engaged in negotiating a financial settlement for FPC-Hendersonville's departure. The congregation also will have to change its name. During a 7/29/14 meeting, the presbytery gave the AC charged with negotiating a settlement with First Presbyterian Church of Hendersonville full authority to conclude the process as it best sees fit to bring the matter to an end before the October meeting of the presbytery, without the expense of a called meeting. in process EPC
7/31/2007 Murphy Murphy, N.C. 63 Western N.C. congregation voted 37-7 for dismissal from PCUSA; presbytery voted 7/31/07 to dismiss property in exhchange for $10,000 – $2,000 each year for five years $10,000 EPC
1/27/2007 Montreat Montreat, N.C. 438 Western N.C. On 1/27/07 congregation voted 311-27 to leave PCUSA with 3 abstentions; presbytery voted to dismiss. Presbytery filed lawsuit on 9/17/08. Lawsuit settled on 10/8/12, one week before scheduled to go on trial in N.C. Superior Court. Church paid $300,000. $300,000.00 EPC
4/30/2013 Riceville Swannanoa, N.C. 62 Western N.C. Congregation was dismissed at the 4/30/13 presbytery meeting. Riceville's session notified presbytery officials in October 2011 of its desire to be dismissed because of General Assembly positions it felt were unacceptable. An agreement was reached in January 2013, and a congregational meeting in April approved the property settlement and gave authorization for the session to sign it. The settlement resulted in the Riceville church deeding its manse and the parcel of land where it is located to the presbytery in exchange for the rest of its real property being declared free of the PCUSA's trust clause. manse and the parcel of land where it is located EPC
2002 Hephzibah Bessemer City, N.C. 50 Western N.C. 2002 congregation vote to leave; presbytery ultimately won a civil court ruling that awarded the presbytery the property. That ruling was later upheld by the North Carolina Court of Appeals. Final action: presbytery seized the church manse, got $12,225.54 in rental income and sold it for $82,000. In addition, the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church sent the presbytery $20,000 as the first of five annual payments by the congregation to buy the property back from the presbytery $182,000 ARP
2008 Lancaster Lancaster, N.Y. 500 Western N.Y. voted 243-0 to leave PCUSA and join the EPC; agreed to pay presbytery $550,000 for settlement $550,000 EPC
2012 Knox United Kenmore, N.Y. 226 Western New York Church voted 148-1 to leave the PCUSA and join the EPC. The congregational meeting, was attended by 63.3 percent of the membership. The actual motion read, “That Knox be graciously dismissed from the PCUSA with all its property and liabilities, to affiliate with, if the way be clear, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.” N/A EPC
5/28/2008 Bay Bay Village, Ohio 2,072 Western Reserve 1,309 ballots were cast. Of those, 1,196 or 91 percent voted for dismissal and 113 or nine percent voted against. The ballot read "That Bay Presbyterian Church ask to be dismissed from the Presbyterian Church (USA)'s Presbytery of the Western Reserve to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church's New Wineskins Presbytery; and that the session be authorized on behalf of the congregation to take all actions necessary and appropriate in seeking dismissal, including, but not limited to, entering into binding agreements related to pastors, property, mission, per capita, and amending and restating the by-laws." $700,000 EPC
9/30/2014 Highland Sixth Highland Heights, Ohio 230 Western Reserve Presbytery dismissed church without property at its 5/28/14 meeting. Following a request from the pastor and session to reconsider their offer to buy the property, an agreement was reached on 7/16/14 and approved by the presbytery at the 7/28/14 meeting. $220,000 EPC
5/22/2013 Pierpont Pierpont, Ohio 110 Western Reserve Church's decision to leave the denomination was formally recognized during a 5/22/13 presbytery meeting. Church paid $2,500 the presbytery. $2,500 EPC
11/6/2013 Center Grove Greenwood, Ind. 203 Whitewater Valley Church was dismissed at the 11/6/13 presbytery meeting. The congregation was required to make a per-capita payment in the amount of $22,000 as well as a payment of $100,000 to the presbytery. Additionally, the congregation also agreed to a five-year commitment of $25,000 to support presbytery missions and another five-year commitment of $25,000 to fund PCUSA missions. The total payment made by Center Grove was $172,000. $172,000 CRC
6/30/2009 Wallace Street Indianpolis 109 Whitewater Valley voted 42-2 to leave PCUSA to join EPC; paid the presbytery $42,500 for dismissal. Dismissal office on 6/30/09 $42,500 EPC
2008 College Corner (aka First United) College Corner, Ohio 130 Whitewater Valley voted 80 (or 82 %) to 17 (18 %) to request dismissal; about 77% of the membership took part in the vote. The church has filed a property ownership lawsuit and obtained a temporary restraining order against the presbytery. N/A EPC
6/2/2010 Southport Indianapolis, Ind. 1200 Whitewater Valley voted 786-37 in Nov. 2009 to leave the PCUSA. The negotiated settlement, approved at 6/2/10 presbytery meeting by a 200-6 vote, includes: The two-campus, congregation being dismissed to the EPC with its physical property; Southport will pay a lump sum of $330,582.10 to presbytery by 12/31/10; Southport will pay for presbytery counsel's costs and fees to complete the dismissal process $330,582.10 EPC
9/14/13 First Casper, Wyo. 108 Wyoming Presbytery dismissed the church at its 9/14/13 meeting. The church was required to pay a total of $118,000 to the presbytery. $118,000 EPC
February, 2010 Springhill Community Belgrade, Mont. 102 Yellowstone received as transitional member in the EPC's West Presbytery on February 2010 from PCUSA N/A EPC