Icon Digitzer
Version 1.2
Copyright © 2005 Brian Friesen

Last Updated: 9/16/'09
Description Digitizer will convert any image into a colorized textual representation of that image. The result is a neat effect and can be very stunning and beautiful given the right image and options. You are encouraged to experiment with the settings and create a new work of art from an existing work of art.

Use Digitizer runs as a wizard. The first page will allow you to select the source image, and provide you a preview of that image. The next page contains all of the output settings such as size, font, and colors. You can also select what text the image will be comprised of. You can enter any text, and have characters selected either randomly or sequentially. Once you are happy with the settings, the next page will create the output and optionally open it in your default web browser.

Screen Shots Screen shot Screen shot
Sample input | Sample output
Sample input | Sample output

Download Self-installing version of Digitizer (192K)
Zip version of Digitizer (138K)
64-bit version

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