
Total Papers: 12465
Non-Peer-Reviewed Papers: 186
Not Climate Related Papers: 288
No Abstract: 47
Remaining Peer-reviewed Papers: 11944

Global Climate Change papers: 3056
Global Warming papers: 9183
Global Warming & Global Climate Change papers: 295


Endorsement Papers
1 64
2 922
3 2910
4 7970
5 54
6 15
7 9
Endorsements: 3896 (32.6%)
Neutrals: 7970 (66.7%)
Rejections: 78 (0.7%)

Journals of climate-related, peer-reviewed papers: 1980


Authors of No Position Papers 18966 (64.8%)
Authors of Rejection Papers 101 (0.3%)
Authors of Rejection & Endorsement Papers 23 (0.1%)
Authors of Endorsement Papers 10188 (34.8%)

Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in /mnt/stor9-wc1-dfw1/652629/676685/ on line 1840
8 (0.0%)
Total Authors: 29286


Total Emails: 8547
Total Bounces: 0
Total Respondents (including authors of non-peer-reviewed papers): 1200
Response Rate: 14.040014040014%
Total papers self-rated: 2142

Table 5: Self-Ratings compared to Abstract Ratings

PositionAbstract RatingSelf-Rating
Endorse AGW 791 (36.9%) 1342 (62.7%)
No AGW Position 1339 (62.5%) 761 (35.5%)
Reject AGW 12 (0.6%) 39 (1.8%)
Total 2142 2142
Authors of No Position Papers 415 (34.9%)
Authors of Rejection Papers 23 (1.9%)
Authors of Rejection & Endorsement Papers 5 (0.4%)
Authors of Endorsement Papers 746 (62.7%)

Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in /mnt/stor9-wc1-dfw1/652629/676685/ on line 1981
8 (0.7%)
Total Authors: 1189

Consensus - Abstract Ratings

Level of PBL consensus for different TCP Bias
0 = no position, 1 = rejection, 2 = rejection+endorsement, 3 = endorsement
0: 600 out of 701 (86%)
1: 3 out of 14 (21%)
2: 1 out of 4 (25%)
3: 618 out of 666 (93%)

Consensus - Self Ratings

Level of PBL consensus for different TCP Bias
0 = no position, 1 = rejection, 2 = rejection+endorsement, 3 = endorsement
0: 122 out of 139 (88%)
1: 3 out of 15 (20%)
2: 2 out of 2 (100%)
3: 302 out of 319 (95%)

1.0000 2 7
2.0000 2 20
2.5000 2 1
3.0000 2 15
4.0000 2 14
5.0000 2 1
1.0000 3 1
2.0000 3 4
3.0000 3 4
4.0000 3 2

Klaus-Martin Schulte

Schulte result 2003 to Feb 2007
Explicit with Quantification collapsed with Explicit without Quantification
'global climate change' papers found from 2003 to Feb 2007: 529
Eliminated papers: 24
Self-rated papers: 58
1.0000: 3
1.6670: 1
2.0000: 14
2.5000: 1
3.0000: 16
4.0000: 22
7.0000: 1
Level of EndorsementSchulte's ResultTCP Result (2003 to 2007)
2. Explicitly endorses but does not quantify or minimise3827
3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it 20674
4. No Position264401
5. Implicitly minimizes/rejects AGW253
6. Explicitly minimizes/rejects AGW but does not quantify60