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chocolate with high cocoa content as a weight-loss accelerator
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ISSN: 1755-7682
Vol. 8 No. 55
doi: 10.3823/1654
iMedPub Journals
© Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
This article is available at: and
Background: Although the focus of scientific studies on the bene-
ficial properties of chocolate with a high cocoa content has increased
in recent years, studies determining its importance for weight regula-
tion, in particular within the context of a controlled dietary measure,
have rarely been conducted.
Methodology: In a study consisting of several weeks, we divided
men and women between the ages of 19-67 into three groups. One
group was instructed to keep a low-carb diet and to consume an
additional daily serving of 42 grams of chocolate with 81% cocoa
content (chocolate group). Another group was instructed to follow
the same low-carb diet as the chocolate group, but without the
chocolate intervention (low-carb group). In addition, we asked a
third group to eat at their own discretion, with unrestricted choice of
food. At the beginning of the study, all participants received exten-
sive medical advice and were thoroughly briefed on their respective
diet. At the beginning and the end of the study, each participant
gave a blood sample. Their weight, BMI, and waist-to-hip ratio were
determined and noted. In addition to that, we evaluated the Giessen
Subjective Complaints List. During the study, participants were en-
couraged to weigh themselves on a daily basis, assess the quality of
their sleep as well as their mental state, and to use urine test strips.
Result: Subjects of the chocolate intervention group experienced
the easiest and most successful weight loss. Even though the measu-
rable effect of this diet occurred with a delay, the weight reduction
of this group exceeded the results of the low-carb group by 10%
after only three weeks (p = 0.04). While the weight cycling effect
already occurred after a few weeks in the low-carb group, with
resulting weight gain in the last fifth of the observation period, the
chocolate group experienced a steady increase in weight loss. This
is confirmed by the evaluation of the ketone reduction. Initially, ke-
chocolate with high cocoa content
as a weight-loss accelerator
Johannes Bohannon1,
Diana Koch1,
Peter Homm1,
Alexander Driehaus1
1 Institute of Diet and Health, Poststr. 37.
55126 Mainz, GERMANY
Contact information:

Page 2
ISSN: 1755-7682
Vol. 8 No. 55
doi: 10.3823/1654
This article is available at: and
Although there has been an increased focus on the
beneficial properties of high cocoa content choco-
late in recent years, there are still very few studies
concerning its use in weight-loss diets.
A large number of studies have proven the positi-
ve health effects of chocolate on the coronary vas-
culature [1], insulin secretion [2, 3, 4] and endothelial
function [5, 6]. Additionally, the lowering effects
of dark chocolate on high blood pressure have al-
ready been well documented. [7, 8] Moreover, in a
systematic review, Ried et al. were able to prove its
health benefits and antihypertensive effect. [9]
In terms of nutritional interventions, there have
been interesting first attempts with the use of cho-
colate. In 2012, Golomb et al. showed a connec-
tion between regular chocolate consumption and
a lower body mass index. [10] However, this study
was limited to the mere collection and analysis of
chocolate consumption and a possible connection
to the BMI.
Moreover, recent research approaches suggest
that the selective use of high cocoa content choco-
late can also support active weight loss. A long-term
study with mice shows that even with a high-fat
diet combined with high cocoa content chocolate,
the weight of laboratory mice remains low. [11] A
similar study with humans has not been published
Study Design
The study is based on the evaluated results of three
parallel groups that underwent various dietary inter-
ventions in January 2015. They were under medical
supervision and were examined at the beginning,
tone reduction was much lower in the chocolate group than in the
low-carb peer group, but after a few weeks, the situation changed.
The low-carb group had a lower ketone reduction than in the pre-
vious period, they reduced 145 mg/dl less ketones, whereas the cho-
colate group had an average reduction of an additional 145mg/dl.
Effects were similarly favorable concerning cholesterol levels, trigly-
ceride levels, and LDL cholesterol levels of the chocolate group.
Moreover, the subjects of the chocolate group found a significant
improvement in their well-being (physically and mentally). The con-
trolled improvement compared to the results of the low-carb group
was highly significant (p <0.001).
Conclusion: Consumption of chocolate with a high cocoa content
can significantly increase the success of weight-loss diets. The weight-
loss effect of this diet occurs with a certain delay. Long-term weight
loss, however, seems to occur easier and more successfully by adding
chocolate. The effect of the chocolate, the so-called "weight loss
turbo," seems to go hand in hand with personal well-being, which
was significantly higher than in the control groups.

Page 3
ISSN: 1755-7682
Vol. 8 No. 55
doi: 10.3823/1654
© Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
divided into groups, instructed, and measured. Du-
ring the collection period, the participants' data was
retrieved in two-day intervals to ensure the regulari-
ty of measurement results. In addition to the mere
weight loss, there was an emphasis on the docu-
mentation of the well-being of the subjects, as this
is considered key to long-term weight loss. [12]
Study Participants
To obtain a genuine, non-preselected representation
of the general public, the study participants were
recruited without further requirements. On average,
participants were 29.6 years old and weighed 81.5
kg. Their average BMI was 26.16; the lowest BMI
was 19.15, the highest at 39.95.
To represent the disproportionate number of fe-
male dieters in the general public, two-thirds of the
participants were female, and one-third male.
The participants were healthy or had medical con-
ditions for which a nutrition intervention represents
a generally medically accepted form of therapy.
After a detailed preliminary, the participants were
randomly assigned one medical group from three
different batches of diet instructions. For both the
study participants and for the authors of this study,
the grouping of the participants was unforeseeable.
Interventions / Measures
Participants were assigned to the following groups:
low-carb diet plus high cocoa content chocolate
(chocolate group), low-carb diet (low-carb group),
and the control group.
The participants of the chocolate group were told
to eat as many low-carbohydrate foods as possible,
and to increase the protein and fat content of their
diet. Additionally, they were given 875 grams of
chocolate with a cocoa content of 81 percent. They
were asked to consume a daily dose of 42 grams of
chocolate in addition to the low-carb diet. Over a
period of three weeks, 100 percent of the subjects
adhered to this requirement.
The participants of the low-carb group were ins-
tructed to change their diet to a low-carbohydrate
diet. Concerning the diet, their instructions were ab-
solutely identical with those of the chocolate group.
Nutrition interventions that apply a low-carbohy-
drate diet are currently the most applied approach
to a weight-loss diet, which is particularly recom-
mended in the S3-guidelines on "Prevention and
Treatment of Obesity." [13]
Participants in the control group were encouraged
to continue their previous eating habits. It should be
noted that the study was conducted in early January,
after the Christmas / New Year celebrations.
Testing Methods
In addition to the continuous measurement of
weight development, participants were asked to
do routine testing of the urine with multiparameter
strips on a daily basis by using test strips, and to do-
cument their mental state and their sleep behavior.
At the beginning and end of the study, a blood
test was conducted; weight, BMI, and waist-to-hip
ratio were documented; and the Giessen Subjec-
tive Complaints List, which measures the change
in well-being on a scientifically sound basis, was
evaluated. [14]
The main focus within the blood parameters was
on the changes in lipid levels and liver values, as well
as the possible increased amount of protein in the
blood. Previous studies have shown that a unilateral
low-carb diet can lead to some dramatic changes in
the albumin value. [15] Concerning the evaluations,
we took into consideration changes of cholesterol,
triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, ALT, GGT/GGTP, and
the albumin.
Additionally, we observed the changes of ketone
reduction in urine.
A t-test for independent samples was used to as-
sess differences in baseline variables between the
groups. The analysis was a repeated-measures
analysis of variance in which the baseline value

Page 4
ISSN: 1755-7682
Vol. 8 No. 55
doi: 10.3823/1654
This article is available at: and
was carried forward in the case of missing data.
One subject (low-carbohydrate) had to be excluded
from the analysis, because of a weight measure is-
sue within the trial
Weight Development
Both the participants of the chocolate group and
the low-carb group lost weight, whereas the con-
trol group gained weight during the study period.
The subjects of the low-carb group lost 3.1 percent
of their body weight in 21 days and the chocolate
group lost 3.2 percent. The participants of the con-
trol group were on average 0.7 percent heavier. The
body mass index decreased in the chocolate group
to 0.93, in the low-carb intervention group by 0.95
points, whereas the control group gained 0.7 points.
Figure 1: Daily weight development by group.
Remarkably, participants in the chocolate group
lost more weight than those of the low-carb group.
The temporal course of the weight-loss success is
also worth noting: the course of the intervention
period shows that there were marked differences in
both groups. While the low-carb group lost weight
from the beginning and continued this weight loss
during the first thee quarters of the testing period,
the chocolate group gained weight in the first quar-
ter before they started to lose considerably more
weight than the low-carb group.
In the third quarter, the weight-loss ratio of the
low-carb group came to its minimum, while the
chocolate group lost considerably more weight du-
ring the third consecutive quarter than prior, and
significantly more than both of the control groups
Figure 2: Culumated change of weight by test
A higher amount of ketones could be detected in
the participants of the chocolate group than in the
low-carb group. The measured results were found
to be highly significant (p <0.01).
Figure 3: Chocolate vs. Low-Carbohydrate - Va-
riance in Ketone levels Data was collec-
ted from an urine test strip and con-
verted into a nominal scale before the

Page 5
ISSN: 1755-7682
Vol. 8 No. 55
doi: 10.3823/1654
© Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
Lipid Levels
Cholesterol levels as well as triglycerides and LDL
cholesterol concentrations improved significantly in
participants of the chocolate group in comparison
to the low-carb group.
Liver Values
Participants of the chocolate group also showed the
most significant changes in ALT and GGT/GGTP va-
While the measured urinary protein breakdown
increased significantly in the low-carb group, the
proportion in the chocolate group increased by only
one-sixth. At the end of the testing period, the pro-
tein detected in the control group's urine was lower
than the initially measured values.
Giessen Subjective Complaints List
We also found highly significant differences with re-
gard to physical and psychological ailments, which
we obtained with the help of the Giessen Subjecti-
ve Complaints List. Although the perception in the
low-carb group and control group did not change
by much, the participants of the chocolate group
felt much better on average. Exhaustion symptoms
in particular, such as fatigue or the sensation of
heavy legs, significantly decreased in the chocolate
group. The significance of this survey was p <0.001.
Table 3. Absolute changes in lipid levels, liver values, and albumin values in an analysis that include data
on all subjects in the relevant groups.
Chocolate Diet
Cholesterol (mg/dl).
Day 21
± 26,7
± 15,9
DTriglycerides (mg/dl)
Day 21
± 85,7
± 41,3
LDL cholesterol (mg/dl)
Day 21
± 22,8
± 22,4
ALT (U/l)
Day 21
± 6,7
± 3,6
Day 21
± 5,5
± 0,0
Albumin (g/dl)
Day 21
± 0,4
± 0,3
Plus-minus values are means ±. The chocolate group had 5 subjects, in the low-carbohydrate group only 4 subjects
could be considered.
P values are for the differences between the two groups.

Page 6
ISSN: 1755-7682
Vol. 8 No. 55
doi: 10.3823/1654
This article is available at: and
The results of this study show that the addition of
high cocoa content chocolate can actually be used
as a supportive measure in nutritional interven-
tions. However, the focus should not remain on the
slightly greater weight loss of the chocolate group
compared to the low-carb group, but on the weight
High cocoa content chocolate could be the key
to solving the biggest problem of all nutritional in-
terventions. "Weight cycling"' is, for example, asso-
ciated with increased bone loss ratio in the hip and
the lumbar area, and with an increased risk for loss
of bone density. [16]
Moreover, several studies have shown additional
risks of significant weight gain (increased risk of car-
diovascular and all-cause mortality, of hypertension
in obese women, and symptomatic gallstones in
men). [17, 18, 19, 20]
Many weight-loss diets share the common factor
of weight gain within several months after a short
and often significant weight reduction. This applies
to almost all of the weight-loss programs recom-
mended by the Deutsche Adipositasgesellschaft. In
studies focusing on the Weight Watchers program,
participants in the commercial program gained back
weight after the 26th week. [21] In a study of the
medical outpatient intervention program Bodymed,
Walle et al. found that the continuous slimming
effect of the mean body weight also stopped after
26 weeks. [22] The same applies to the OPTI FAST
program. [23]
Figure 4: Analysis of Giessen Subjective Complaints List - Development during the trial period.

Page 7
ISSN: 1755-7682
Vol. 8 No. 55
doi: 10.3823/1654
© Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
In 2003, Foster et al. proved in their groundbrea-
king, randomized study on a low-carb diet that the
effect of weight reduction or greater weight loss
compared to a low-fat intervention is not signifi-
cantly detectable after one year. [24]
Consequently, the weight gain of the low-carb
group in this study is in line with previous research.
The different weight development course of the
chocolate group is therefore all the more impressi-
ve. Remarkably, "weight cycling" is not detectable
in this group. The initial slight weight gain is cu-
rrently inexplicable to us. It may be related to the
body's response to the flavanols or to other factors
that were not the focus of this study. However,
it is more important to consider the blood and
fat levels. Thus, the values of the chocolate group
on average improved not only considerably more
than those of the low-carb group, but they even
resulted in better LDL levels after just three weeks
compared to levels participants reached after three
months in diet groups graded by the professional
associations with the quality level S3 (highest sta-
ge) and the recommendation grade A (the highest
The albumin values of the study participants are
also worth mentioning. Criticism of low-carb diets
always broaches the issue of excessive protein in-
take. One suspects that this may lead to an increa-
sed risk of coronary artery disease. [25]
Unlike the participants in the low-carb group,
however, the chocolate group showed hardly any
increase of albumin degradation. It was lower by
a factor of 6. The risk for coronary heart disease
should therefore be much lower.
Considering all of these results, it is not sur-
prising that the chocolate group participants felt
significantly better than those in the other two
groups. Therefore, we recommend the consump-
tion of high cocoa content chocolate during nutri-
tional interventions. The positive effects that have
been proven in laboratory mice seem to be rele-
vant to humans.
The authors of this study believe that high cocoa
content chocolate is therefore an ideal "weight-loss
turbo" if used in combination with a low-carb in-
tervention for weight loss.
Further studies should examine the suitability of
this highly efficient weight-loss accelerator for other
intervention programs.
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