LM555/NE555 timer

  Functional diagram of 555 timer, with pinout

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LM556/NE556 dual timer

Functional diagram of 556 dual time, wtih pintout (left half) Functional diagram of 556 dual time, wtih pintout (right half)

Click on either image for larger version (or alt)

Truth Table for LM555/NE555 timer and LM556/NE556 dual timer

¬Trigger ¬Reset Threshold Output
555 pin 2 4 6 3
556 pin (L) 6 4 2 5
556 pin (R) 8 10 12 9
0* 0* 0 0 ¬reset overrides ¬trigger
0* 0* 1* 0 ¬reset overrides ¬trigger
0* 1 0 1 = ¬trigger
0* 1 1* 1 ¬trigger overrides threshold
1 0* 0 0 = ¬reset
1 0* 1* 0 = ¬reset
1 1 0 ? current flip-flop state
1 1 1* 0 = threshold

¬trigger sets the flip-flop.

threshold or ¬reset resets the flip-flop.

¬reset overrides ¬trigger, which overrides threshold.

* = active state  (¬trigger & ¬reset are active-low, threshold is active-high)

¬trigger is relative to 1/3 Vcc and threshold is relative to 2/3 Vcc, unless changed via pin 5 (control voltage)

Data Sheets etc.

TI NE555

TI NE556 (or LM556 with erroneous block diagram)

Fairchild LM555

SGS-Thomson LM556

RS 555 & 556

ST NE556

TI LMC555 CMOS low-power timer

TI TLC555 CMOS low-power timer

Intersil ICM7555 & ICM7556 CMOS low-power timers

CSS555 micropower programmable timer

more 555 & 556 datasheets

555 & 556 timer application notes

Rob Paisley's 555 timer circuits

The seldom-used Control Voltage pin can occasionally be useful

Wikipedia page